2 Cor. 10:5…What Kind of God Do You Believe In?

Today, large numbers of Christians and seculars believe that modern secular science has proven the earth and cosmos to be billions of years old, and that every living thing, from fish to dogs, apes and humans, evolved from a single cell which itself is the result of chance combination of chemicals. Most believe that primordial […]

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Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Gnostic Physicists, Space Brothers

Modern pagans who ridicule Christians for believing in God are also the ones who place their faith in ancient dog regurgitation revamped and revised for today. Truth will set us free. In this case, when truth reveals the superstition, stupidity, and demonic underpinnings of what passes for ‘enlightenment by science (magic science or scientism)” they

Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Gnostic Physicists, Space Brothers Read More »

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Goddess: Christians Should Take Note of the Increasing Clarity of the Neopagans.

Joe Rigney, Aquila Report, 9/23 We really ought to appreciate how overt the religious themes in the ad are. Humans sacrifice and perform good works in order to placate an angry deity. Modern neo-paganism has rarely been as well-represented in such a short video. I half-expected one of the employees to slaughter a ram on

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Goddess: Christians Should Take Note of the Increasing Clarity of the Neopagans. Read More »

Raising the New Tower–Occult Evolution: Antediluvian, Babylonian, and Modern Expressions

In “The attack on biblical creation in UK schools continues,” Phil Robinson reports that in the dechristianized U.K. unrelenting attacks against special creation (Genesis account) display a level of aggressive intolerance that is hard to stomach, coming as they do from self-proclaimed scientifically-enlightened ‘voices of reason.’ Some schools have already banned the teaching of special creation

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Revisiting Gnosis: The Main Expression of Occult Evolutionary Progressive Christianity

Linda Kimball In the essay, “The Paganization of Biblical Studies,” Dr. Peter Jones, Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary in Escondido, Calif., identifies liberalism and/or progressivism as a form of neo-Gnostic occult mystical pantheism. Occult Gnostic pantheism arose among certain Jews during the Babylonian exile so is grounded in Ageless Wisdom Teachings from the time

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Relativism: Why it Will End the Human Race and Damn the Souls of Men

Linda Kimball “Barbarism is that which prevailed from the days of Adam down through ten generations to the time of Noah. It is called barbarism because of the fact that in those times men had no ruling authority or mutual accord, but every man was independent and a law unto himself after the dictates of

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Doctrines of Demons, the Modern Pagan and Pantheist Antithesis; ‘God’ of Void

Linda Kimball The Biblical worldview posits two interfacing dimensions, the spiritual and material.   Man for instance, is a soul or spirit embodied in the physical matter of a body.   Against this, philosophical materialism posits one dimension, the material or physical, and teaches that all that exists is what can be known to the

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The New World Order and World Religion: A Magician’s Alchemical Great Work

The Magician The Renaissance was the beginning of a great falling away from Jesus Christ (John 1) and the Christian faith. Apostates did not fall away into nothing but into the ancient Mysteries, Hermeticism, mystical Eastern pantheism and evolution and reincarnation, alchemy, magic and more. Coming out of the Renaissance were many occult and diabolically

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UNESCO Is A Key Vehicle For Injecting Occult ‘Spirituality’ Into Classrooms Worldwide

Alex Newman, Harbingers Daily, 6/23 Weaponizing public schools for sinister purposes, an obscure United Nations institute is quietly working to transform education worldwide to impose radical political and spiritual values and beliefs on children. It is all happening under the guise of “social-emotional learning,” or SEL, a scheme hatched at a New Age organization whose

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The Connections Between the Goat-Headed Demon Baphomet and Why Researchers are Creating Interspecies Embryos

Writer Calvin Freiburger reports on an alarming new development in biological experimentation: “…scientists have created a hybrid embryo comprised of human and monkey cells.” “Interspecies chimera formation with human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represents a necessary alternative to evaluate hPSC pluripotency in vivo and might constitute a promising strategy for various regenerative medicine applications, including

The Connections Between the Goat-Headed Demon Baphomet and Why Researchers are Creating Interspecies Embryos Read More »

Evolutionary Theists Do Not Believe Moses, So How Will They Believe Jesus’ Words?

“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” John 5:46-47 “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. ” Luke 24:27 John 1 tells

Evolutionary Theists Do Not Believe Moses, So How Will They Believe Jesus’ Words? Read More »

Revisiting Naturalism and Evolutionism: The Dying West’s Science of Magic and Madness

“If we and our posterity…live always in the fear of God and shall respect His Commandments…we may have the highest hopes of the future fortunes of our country…. But if we…neglect religious instruction and authority; violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the constitution which holds us

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Doctrine of Demons: Modern ‘Scientific’ Evolutionary Materialism and Pantheism

“Twoism isn’t just descriptive of the structure of biblical cosmology; it’s a worldview that flows out of a way of life, the way of holiness (but) believers today—tempted to conform to the Oneist world all around them—fail to see that holiness is a way to speak of the cosmological binary of twoness, which maintains natural,

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Too Dead To Live And Too Alive To Die, Gen Z Is Generation Zombie

BY: FORREST ROBINSON, The Federalist, 4/11/23 Does Generation Z take anything seriously? Earnestness is “cringe,” being in love makes one a “simp,” and ambition makes one a “try-hard.”  There is a “deeper ideology lurking in the minds of younger millennials & Gen Z,” as Esmé Partridge writes, “the rejection of idealism in all its forms.” Disenchanted with

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Blessed is the Man Who Does Not Listen to Falling Stars Following After Damnable Heresies

“Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do that; I am a fellow servant of yours and your brethren who hold the testimony of Jesus; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Rev. 19:10)  “Who is a liar but he that denieth

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