
The Devil and Why Liberals and the Democratic Party Actively Promote Evil

in Evan Sayets’ book “The Kindergarden of Eden,” he said, “If they weren’t so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer’s […]

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The Fall of Britain: UK PM Keir Starmer blasted for extreme pro-Islam stance as Britain is overrun by Muslims

Globalist member King Charles recent official portrait shows him submerged in what looks like blood. Was he looking forward to the death of Britons, the people he hates in favor of the Muslims that he and his buddies have allowed to. overrun England? Does this stupidized man not see the approach of his own death

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Klaus Schwab, Soros, Pelosi, Boxer, and Co: Miserable Slaves to Vice

As Augustine reflected back on the fall of Rome he reached the conclusion that its dissolution and death was not due to enemies attacking from without but from massive corruption from within due to everyone from kings on down to slaves having as many demanding masters as they have vices. In other words, everyone lived

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Cancelling Granny: The Toxic War on Family That’s Being Waged By Therapists


Cancelling Granny: The Toxic War on Family That’s Being Waged By Therapists Read More »

The White House: We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, That All Men are Created Equal and Endowed with Inalienable Rights

As one of his important MAGA goals, the Trump administration wants to return the power of Constitutional inalienable rights to ‘we the people.’ But throughout the West and America, great numbers of people believe they are products of an unseen energy known as evolution. It is because of their acceptance of Darwinism that Americans have

The White House: We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, That All Men are Created Equal and Endowed with Inalienable Rights Read More »

The Democrats Descend into Madness

Fletch Daniels, American Thinker, 3/7/25 The Democrat party has descended into madness.  For anyone who may have doubted that before the State of the Union address, the Democrats went into overdrive to hammer the message home. When you strip away all the platitudes around one of America’s two main political parties, what you’re left with is

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Why Democrats Call Musk a Thief: Because They Believe American Tax Dollars Belong to Democrats (the True Thieves)

Overton on X David Sacks just nailed the swamp’s meltdown over Elon Musk and DOGE, arguing they’re raging because they see taxpayer cash as their personal piggy bank—not the American voter’s. @DavidSacks laid it all out: “I was at the State of the Union and I was up in the balcony. I was looking down

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‘Climate Change’: Grift of the Century? Dismantling Capitalism, Transferring Wealth, Dismantling the West

Robert Williams, Gatestone Institute, 3/11/25 At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos this January, Klaus Schwab’s wife, Hilde Schwab, opened the annual meeting with the assertion that Antarctica is melting. “Antarctica, which holds 91% of the world’s glaciers, faces catastrophic ice loss, contributing to rising sea levels,” she claimed. That statement is simply not true.

‘Climate Change’: Grift of the Century? Dismantling Capitalism, Transferring Wealth, Dismantling the West Read More »

Canada’s Freeland Says She Will Form Nuclear-Armed Alliance Against United States

Here in Newlands declaration, we can clearly see the demonic reversal of reality where evil is good, lie is truth, slavery is liberty, death is life, and the victims of predatory globalists are the predators. While the USA has thrown off much of the demonic inversion (it remains within the minds of Deepstate, Woke, mainstream

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“Proof, Something HUGE is Happening in Europe… | Tucker Carlson Video

Point of View, 2/19/25 Tucker Carlson sits down with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for a raw and unfiltered discussion about Europe’s economic decline, the collapse of democracy, and the consequences of mass migration. Orbán warns that the European Union, once the world’s largest economic power, is now fading—crippled by misguided leadership, a self-inflicted energy

“Proof, Something HUGE is Happening in Europe… | Tucker Carlson Video Read More »

Victor Davis Hanson: Germany’s ‘Slow-Motion Suicide’

The Daily Signal, 2/12/25 At the height of World War II, Henry Morgenthau, treasury secretary under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, proposed a plan to deliberately deindustrialization, depopulate, and disarm postwar Germany. The Morgenthau Plan, as it was known, would transition Germany back to an agrarian society, making the prospect of future war unimaginable. Although Morgenthau’s

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USAID Sent Over $18 Billion to Islamic Terror States.. which killed US soldiers

Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine, 2/7/25 “It is really, really a sad day in America,” Rep. Ilhan Omar declared at a rally by Democrats outside USAID headquarters protesting President Trump’s reconstruction of the aid agency. It wasn’t a sad day for America, but it was so for Somalia. Over the last two years, USAID had funneled

USAID Sent Over $18 Billion to Islamic Terror States.. which killed US soldiers Read More »

The Fallacious Left vs Right Dichotomy and the Struggle to the Death Between Forces of Good and Forces of Evil

Confusion reigns today because we think in terms of a left-right dichotomy. Communism is on the left we are told to believe and Fascism comes from the right, while people and parties are either “leftwing” or “rightwing.” America has been falling into lawlessness and disintegration, and due in large part to the fallacious left-right dichotomy,

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Worldviews Have Consequences for Good or Evil

Worldviews have consequences. The West’s and America’s founding Christian based worldview was a worldview of life, human dignity, family, children, flourishing, property ownership, and freedom. The evolutionary materialist worldview held by the Merchants of Death has been a worldview of God and human hatred, thus death, the animalization of humans, war on human populations, impoverishment,

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The Goat-Headed Demon Baphomet, Luciferian Pedophiles, and Why Researchers are Creating Chimera

Writer Calvin Freiburger reports on an alarming new development in biological experimentation: “…scientists have created a hybrid embryo comprised of human and monkey cells.” “Interspecies chimera formation with human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represents a necessary alternative to evaluate hPSC pluripotency in vivo and might constitute a promising strategy for various regenerative medicine applications, including

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