The Fall of Britain: UK PM Keir Starmer blasted for extreme pro-Islam stance as Britain is overrun by Muslims

Globalist member King Charles recent official portrait shows him submerged in what looks like blood. Was he looking forward to the death of Britons, the people he hates in favor of the Muslims that he and his buddies have allowed to. overrun England? Does this stupidized man not see the approach of his own death […]

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Some UFO Abductions Were Simulated CIA Psychological Warfare Experiments

Arjun Walia, The Pulse, 3/23/25 Joseph Allen Hynek (was) an American astronomer, professor, and ufologist. Hynek acted as a scientific advisor to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive projects: Project Sign (1947–1949), Project Grudge (1949–1952), and Project Blue Book (1952–1969). The man next to him is Dr. Jacques Vallée; more

Some UFO Abductions Were Simulated CIA Psychological Warfare Experiments Read More »

The Supernatural God, Angels, Demons, Human Souls. Do they Exist?

According to evolutionary materialists of all persuasions, including Global Luciferian pedophiles, the supernatural God of Revelation, the Heavenly Creator who spoke everything into existence ex nihilo does not exist. Neither do angels, demons, and human souls. Like the Atomists, the ancient pagan counterparts of today’s materialists, all that exists is the natural dimension of matter

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How the Concept of Evolution Has Warped and Negated the Meaning and Intent of Our Constitution

“over the past 130 years there have been numerous flawed Supreme Court rulings that distorted the clear meaning of the Constitution – and have greatly harmed society. Most of us are barely aware of these rulings – while their ill effects continue. Here is the alarming truth about too many Supreme Court cases over the years:

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Occult Worldview: Jung, Luciferianism, New Age, Abraxas, Baphomet, and Evolution

“An official “mental health” app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear. But critics are sounding the alarm. Under the guise of helping California teens with self-esteem and emotions,

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Making Sense of Insanity: Transgendering Children, Monkey’s, Rats, and Other Creatures

The worldview of the cult of Global Luciferian pedophiles and their Deep State counterparts sees Jehovah, the personal God of creation as the cause of all suffering, death, and other evils. The world He created is bad and was not meant to exist since He is not the true god but an evil demiurge. In

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The Goat-Headed Demon Baphomet, Luciferian Pedophiles, and Why Researchers are Creating Chimera

Writer Calvin Freiburger reports on an alarming new development in biological experimentation: “…scientists have created a hybrid embryo comprised of human and monkey cells.” “Interspecies chimera formation with human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represents a necessary alternative to evaluate hPSC pluripotency in vivo and might constitute a promising strategy for various regenerative medicine applications, including

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Religious Leaders Bless Sites of Child Sacrifices

Bill Muehlenberg, Caldron Pool, Jan 2, 2025 The headline goes like this: “Priests hold a ceremony to bless child offerings to Moloch, Baal and other deities.” The story in part says this: “Liberal priests have taken to ‘blessing’ child sacrifice sites to signal support for those who choose to offer their babies as sacrifices to

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Evolution: A Fairytale

Truthstory Secularists take aim at biblical Christianity because of supernaturalism—what they often forget is just how “miraculous” the evolutionary origin story is. Truthstory, Oct 2021 Original Editor’s note: We offer this satirical look at evolution on national fairy tale day as a lighthearted and simplified explanation of the naturalistic origin of the universe and the life in

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Man as God: The Primordial Heresy and the Evolutionary Science of Becoming God

“Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” Genesis 3:22 From the days of Adam right down to our own time, the devilish belief

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Satan, Space Brothers, and the Genesis Problem

One of Satan’s greatest achievements in our age of biological science and evolutionary thinking has been to convince natural science-and-evolution worshipping Westerners to believe that all that exists is the void and energy working on matter pregnant with life. The only problem, and it’s a really big one because unresolvable, is that though evolutionists have

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Multiverse Theories are Based in Occult Science

“Some scientists, such as NASA’s Sten Odenwald, have posited the multiverse theory to get out of the fine-tuning problem, and the whole universe seems to have begun in time with a “Big Bang” issue. By suggesting that we are merely one of a possibly infinite number of universes, then our universe is no longer “special” but merely a statistical

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(Video) Are Aliens Demons? Evidence for a Spiritual Interpretation of Alien Contact – Guy Malone

Alien Resistance Our mission is to provide orthodox biblical perspectives on the modern UFO and “alien” phenomenon, exposing proven deceptions, and equipping the church to minister truth and freedom to those currently deceived by experiences and/or strongholds related to now-popular belief systems of aliens actively visiting humanity. Alien Resistance offers evidences that the widely-reported “alien

(Video) Are Aliens Demons? Evidence for a Spiritual Interpretation of Alien Contact – Guy Malone Read More »

Finnish Professor Exposes the Occult Roots of the World Economic Forum: Blavatsky, Djwal Kuhl, Theosophy

Frank Wright, LifeSite News, 3/23 (LifeSiteNews) — There are many wild theories which circulate about those who would be the masters of our future. Few of them can compete with the far-fetched notions of these people, whose words when quoted verbatim sound outlandish. What then should we make of the claims of a man who has dealt with some of

Finnish Professor Exposes the Occult Roots of the World Economic Forum: Blavatsky, Djwal Kuhl, Theosophy Read More »

Demonic Onslaught in the West: When It Began

 Research shows the presence and influence of evil Powers working within the West since the Renaissance. Within the heart of Christendom they facilitated the appearance of ancient Mysteries, Hermeticism (magic science) and other creeds from the time of Babylon and Egypt plus Buddhism, Hinduism, evolution, reincarnation, and karma. Many Christians at the upper levels of

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