
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion–Corrupt Politics of Tribalization

Daniel Green Gatestone Institute, 3/18/25 The great objective of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) was to tribalize our institutions, recruiting government and corporate employees into affinity groups based on their race, sex, sexuality and other factors, and then defining institutional goals around the “right” tribal mix through selective hiring and promotions. The complete inversion of […]

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“Proof, Something HUGE is Happening in Europe… | Tucker Carlson Video

Point of View, 2/19/25 Tucker Carlson sits down with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for a raw and unfiltered discussion about Europe’s economic decline, the collapse of democracy, and the consequences of mass migration. Orbán warns that the European Union, once the world’s largest economic power, is now fading—crippled by misguided leadership, a self-inflicted energy

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The Churches That Oppose Trump on Immigration are Raking in Millions to Bring In Migrants

Robert Spencer, PJ Media, Feb. 1, 2025 When Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde lectured President Trump and Vice President Vance about immigration during her sermon at the National Prayer Service on the day after they were inaugurated, leftists hailed Budde for standing on principle and giving the Bad Orange Man a good scolding. As it turns

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One Million Moms Urges Christians to Boycott ‘Upside-Down Kingdom Bible,’ Citing ‘Woke Theology’ Concerns

Katelyn Webb, Christian Post, 1/17/25 Conservative advocacy group One Million Mom has launched a campaign opposing Zondervan’s newly released NIV Upside-Down Kingdom Bible: Think Deeply/Love Widely, claiming the study Bible promotes “woke theology” and undermines traditional biblical interpretations.  The organization has urged Christians to avoid the publication and to sign a pledge boycotting Zondervan’s product. “Zondervan’s newest NIV study

One Million Moms Urges Christians to Boycott ‘Upside-Down Kingdom Bible,’ Citing ‘Woke Theology’ Concerns Read More »

Beyond the Flames: The Devastation of Los Angeles Fires: Victor Davis Hanson

Listen to the Friday news roundup with Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc as they discuss the Palisades fire in LA and the issues of water, insurance, DEI, Newsom, Mayor Bass, fire Chief Kristin Crowley, and other news from the week–Zuckerberger, Trudeau, Greenland and Panama.

Beyond the Flames: The Devastation of Los Angeles Fires: Victor Davis Hanson Read More »

“Woke;” Code for Totalitarian Demonic Beast

“Woke” is code for totalitarianism, whether socialist or Marxist communism. From the French Terror on through the 20th century’s demonic beast regimes, Soviet Communism and Nazi Socialism, this movement of evil spirit and wicked humans demonstrated for all to see that malice…a sadistic desire for the destruction of all civilizations that exist, especially Christian based

“Woke;” Code for Totalitarian Demonic Beast Read More »

Archbishop Viganò: Trump’s Victory Represents the ‘Greatest Reset’ Against the Global World Order, the Cult of Satan

This round of elections shows us not only the unchallenged victory of Donald Trump, but makes evident a plebiscite vote of the majority of Americans in favor of a worldview completely antithetical to and irreconcilable with the globalist, woke dystopia. Archbishop Carl Maria Vigano, Lifesite News, 11/12/24 (LifeSiteNews) — The following is an essay written by

Archbishop Viganò: Trump’s Victory Represents the ‘Greatest Reset’ Against the Global World Order, the Cult of Satan Read More »

Does Zionist Controlled Israel Deserve to Be Annihilated?

There is much hatred for Israel today. It is expressed by both Islamists and Western Christians and other groups toward Israel since they’ve become aware of the genocide carried out in Gaza by Zionist Israel. But does Israel deserve to be annihilated, as Islamists want and American haters appear to desire? Modern Israel is a

Does Zionist Controlled Israel Deserve to Be Annihilated? Read More »

Practical Counsel for Pastors Who Are Beginning to Discern the Times

Michael Clary, Sola Ecclesia, 9/24 Over the past ten years or so, pastors have navigated some of the most morally complicated and emotionally turbulent ministry environments they’ve ever experienced. The world has changed around us in unprecedented ways that we’ve only just begun to comprehend. One of the most helpful explanations of these cultural changes

Practical Counsel for Pastors Who Are Beginning to Discern the Times Read More »

An Open Letter To Pastors Who “Don’t Do Politics”

Jason Anderson, Clear Truth Media, 8/24 Dear Faithful Shepherds, Goodness knows, it’s hard out there nowadays for church leadership in America. Tensions are high, and the air is thick with opinions. Nobody has a polite disagreement anymore; every conversation about current events has the potential to devolve into a 3 AM Waffle House fight. So,

An Open Letter To Pastors Who “Don’t Do Politics” Read More »

(Our Enemy) “The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America? (And Why They Hate Trump)

Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America Gregory Strensom, Intelligencer, July, 2024 Introduction “The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our

(Our Enemy) “The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America? (And Why They Hate Trump) Read More »

Why Many Liberals Literally Lose Some of Their Ability to Think Rationally and Logically

Texans Jack & Dodie, Clever Journeys, 9/1/24 Many studies confirm American adults and teens who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives.  Correlations between brain function/anatomy and specific political party are consistent across multiple studies, of varying design and methodology, over years of research. Mental-health experts suspect this

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The Evil Materialist Faith of Global Luciferianism, Technocracy, Socialism, and Marxism

For more than eighty-five years, America has been incrementally conquered by the same madness-and-murder inducing demon of evil, hatred and violence that earlier took over Russia, China, Germany, and Italy. The demon is embodied in “enlightened” Global Luciferians, and the West’s and America’s ruling classes. Both groups are deeply infected by the delusion that the

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Ephesians 6:12…The Role of Demons Behind Woke Stupidity

“The self-justifying ideology that dominates society today, with its shameless moral posturing – the jiggery-wokery of the West – is especially difficult to deal with because it is a form of stupidity which is less self-aware than rank evil and is no respecter of persons. It seems immune to reasoning and inconvenient truths. Intellectuals, scholars,

Ephesians 6:12…The Role of Demons Behind Woke Stupidity Read More »

Global Digital Marking System Coming Soon to United States of America: Biden Admin Working on Draft Executive Order

Leo Hohmann, 8/24 I have been reporting about this for exactly four years, warning people that it was coming and to prepare for the day when you won’t be able to buy or sell unless you submit to a biometric digital ID based on a scan of your eyeballs, your palm, or some other unique

Global Digital Marking System Coming Soon to United States of America: Biden Admin Working on Draft Executive Order Read More »