Diabolical Disorientation and Blood-Lust for Jews and Christians

Before succumbing to the devilish spirit he saw at work in a great many people, Friedrich Engels wrote, “Since the terrible French Revolution, an entirely new, devilish spirit has entered into a great part of mankind, and godlessness lifts its daring head in such an unashamed and subtle manner that you would think the prophecies […]

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The “Far Right” Reaction of Empty Minds

“You might think that a government faced with a barbaric public stabbing of schoolchildren and an unprecedented night of rioting in its capital city would extend condolences to the victims, take a deep breath, and try to figure out how a city managed to spiral out of control on its watch. But instead, Thursday’s riots

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Controligarchs: Greedflation and You Will Eat Bugs and Own Nothing

“In 2021 and 2022, the U.S. economy grappled with the highest inflation rates in decades. Amidst this tumult, a term gained traction: “Greedflation.” This article delves into specific instances of greedflation, highlighting how certain industries exploited inflationary conditions to inflate prices and profits, and proposes solutions aligned with conservative economic principles.” Why Are Food Prices

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Isaiah: 5: A Simple, Sobering Explanation Of Our Sick Society

Bill Eliff, Graceful Truth, 11/23 Forgive me for some reminiscent rambling. I don’t do it often, but I digress to highlight a comparison and a tragedy. In my lifetime, I remember when … What has happened? Don’t think I am naive enough to believe that our society was altogether righteous and I am not advocating

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The Descent and Sacrificial Fall of Lucifer and the Rise of Global Luciferian Religion

“All the…large and small nationalities are destined to perish…in the revolutionary world storm… (A general war will) wipe out all…nations, down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only reactionary classes…but…reactionary peoples.” (“The Magyar Struggle,” Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Friedrich Engels, Jan. 13, 1849)  The

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Lessons From the Soviets about Sexual Morality: The Experiment of Abolishing Marriage and Family.

John Stonestreet, Aquila Report, 11/23 History is full of examples of societies that tamper with God’s design for marriage, sex, and the family. It’s no coincidence that en vogue progressive ideas today, ideas with distinct roots in cultural Marxism, also decry marriage and the family as oppressive institutions that should be reimagined and sexual morality as outdated

Lessons From the Soviets about Sexual Morality: The Experiment of Abolishing Marriage and Family. Read More »

Warning to the West: Barbarians Are Inside the Gates

Ben Shapiro, American Family News, 11/25 This weekend marked Armistice Day in Great Britain and Veterans Day in the United States. Both are somber days typically marked by honor and respect for symbols of the country and the men and women who have sacrificed so much for them. Instead, both London and New York City

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John 8:32: The Devil, Big Bang, Evolution, Extraterrestrials and the Genesis Problem

One of the devil’s greatest achievements in our age of biological science and evolutionary thinking has been to convince natural science-and-evolution worshipping Westerners to believe that all that exists is the evolving universe of matter and energy (naturalism). The only problem, and it’s a really big one because unresolvable, is that though evolutionists have tried

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Darwinism: Teaching of Fallen Angels

“Darwinism came at the desired time; Darwin’s theory that man is the descendant of a lower animal destroyed the entire foundation of Christian dogma.” (Anton Pannekoek, “Marxism and Darwinism,” translated by Nathan Weiser) All too many contemporary Christians are in conflict over Darwinism, or perhaps over Teilhard’s variation. The conflict derives from believing it must

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Is Serfdom Humanity’s Default?

Rob Jenkins, Real Clear Policy, 10/23 In the mid-20th century, the economist Friedrich von Hayek warned that the rise of centrally-planned economies—whether in the form of socialism/communism or fascism, which he argued have common roots—was leading us all (back) down “the road to serfdom.” The term “serfdom,” of course, alludes to the feudal system that, in

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Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Gnostic Physicists, Space Brothers

Modern pagans who ridicule Christians for believing in God are also the ones who place their faith in ancient dog regurgitation revamped and revised for today. Truth will set us free. In this case, when truth reveals the superstition, stupidity, and demonic underpinnings of what passes for ‘enlightenment by science (magic science or scientism)” they

Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Gnostic Physicists, Space Brothers Read More »

Horned Goddess of Death: Grotesque, Woke Art in Public Spaces Is Next Phase in War on History, Culture

Jarrett Stepman, Daily Signal, 2023 Get used to grotesque works of “art” being injected into every public space. Last week, an 8-foot-tall, golden statue was unveiled atop a New York state courthouse in New York City. It stands alongside several other, older statues of classical design.  According to the artist, Shahzia Sikander, the statue is meant to be a representation

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Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Goddess: Christians Should Take Note of the Increasing Clarity of the Neopagans.

Joe Rigney, Aquila Report, 9/23 We really ought to appreciate how overt the religious themes in the ad are. Humans sacrifice and perform good works in order to placate an angry deity. Modern neo-paganism has rarely been as well-represented in such a short video. I half-expected one of the employees to slaughter a ram on

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry Goddess: Christians Should Take Note of the Increasing Clarity of the Neopagans. Read More »

When Hell Breaks Loose in USA: Slowly at First, Then All at Once

Sundance, The Last Refuge, 10/23 ….. Have you ever boiled milk? Many people are struggling to understand the extent of the radicalization that is currently taking place inside our nation.  Fewer still are willing to accept that all the datapoints in the continuum lead us to a very specific place. For the intents of this

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Dept. Homeland Security Designates Pres. Trump Supporters Domestic Violent Extremists

Sundance, Last Refuge, 10/23 The claim by Newsweek is rather alarming – that the Dept of Homeland Security and FBI consider President Trump supporters as domestic violent extremists (DVE’s) in combination with official designation from the FBI as “domestic terrorists.” There’s nothing within the article, the citations or the quotes from multiple anonymous officials within the domestic

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