Extinction Rebellion, Handmaiden of Technocracy–Psychopath Globalist Elites

ER is a prime example of what Lenin contemptuously described as ‘useful idiots.’ Useful idiots are true believers of the Big lies, small lies, propaganda (more lies), and ideological promises (more lies) spun by total control seeking psychopaths. At the top of the global pyramid are psychopaths who unknowingly do the bidding of their own […]

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By Jonathan Brentner, 5/16/22, Reprinted from A Crooked Path If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13, the only alternative is to assume that something with a most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast is coming our way. In other words, if what the globalists propose


Why the Infernal Great Reset Will End in Catastrophe

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week. The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the

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Albert Jay Nock: Isaiah’s Job

Mises Institute, 6/21/08 One evening last autumn, I sat long hours with a European acquaintance while he expounded a political-economic doctrine which seemed sound as a nut and in which I could find no defect. At the end, he said with great earnestness: “I have a mission to the masses. I feel that I am

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Triumph of the Beast vs. Triumph of the People

By Peter Koenig, Global Research, 2/24/22 UN Agenda 2030 vs. The People Would it be fair to say that the Triumph of the Beast is the dictatorial takeover of the world by the doctrines of the World Economic Forum? Has the WEF been designed by the Masters that Be to invoke worldwide Apocalypse? The Triumph of the Beast is, or

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The Totalitarian Mindset

Much ink has been spilled on the analysis of the totalitarian mindset. For what it’s worth, my thoughts are these: The totalitarian mindset has much in common with the envy-bitten Cain, the first murderer of brother and first builder of his own city and/or kingdom on earth apart from God. It is therefore satanic. It

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Infernal Apocalyptic Atmosphere Over America

A vast infernal spirit overshadows our land.  In its deepening darkness madness, wickedness, and evil run rampant throughout our land.   We see males as females, females as males, and humans identifying as Zi, Zer, and other such nonsense.  There is breakdown of family and society: thievery of every kind including inflation; terror and murder in the streets, systemic

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The Transcendent God, Third Heaven, Hell, and Demons: How Nihilists Will Know They Exist

Rev. Robert Barron was chagrined, but not entirely surprised when he read Woody Allen’s ruminations on ultimate things. To state it bluntly, said Rev. Barron, Woody could not be any bleaker in regard to the issue of meaning in the universe.  We live, said Woody, “… in a godless and purposeless world. The earth came into

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Non-Self Nihilists from the Void Demand Revocation of Conscience Protections

On Feb. 2, 2021, the Virginia House of Representatives passed a bill to remove conscience protections, “…for child-placing agencies, prompting worry that the state’s Catholic adoption and foster care agencies could be forced to shut down because of their views on marriage.” (Virginia House Advances Bill Repealing Protections For Faith Based Adoption Agencies, Catholic News

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Spiritual Darkness: America’s Death Spiral

Ed Vitagliano, AFA, 1/26/22 Our nation is clearly deteriorating as moral darkness threatens to overwhelm diminishing spiritual protections. Moreover, nowhere is safe from this spiritual darkness; it’s no longer solely inhabiting larger cities; it’s next door in small town and rural America. The Bible explains how this happens, because as it turns out, wickedness has

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“A Global Coup Has Been Carried Out Across the World – Has Destroyed the Very Foundations of the Rule of Law” – Archbishop Vigano’s Message to America

MESSAGETO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DEAR  AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR  FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the

“A Global Coup Has Been Carried Out Across the World – Has Destroyed the Very Foundations of the Rule of Law” – Archbishop Vigano’s Message to America Read More »

Deep State, Leftist, and Muslim Psychopaths and Their Human Tools

Roy Hazelwood was one of the original profilers at the Behavioral Science Unit when it was first developed at Quantico. He served with the FBI for twenty-two years, taught courses at the Academy, the University of Virginia, the University of Pennsylvania, the U. S. Military Police CID, and Southern Police Institute. As well he was a

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Kundalini, the Yogic Christ and the Terrifying Demonic Reality of Yoga

In “The Yoga of Jesus: Understanding the Hidden Teachings of the Gospels,” Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) reveals the hidden yoga of the Gospels and confirms that Jesus, like the ancient sages and masters of the East, not only knew yoga but taught this ancient royal science of god-realization to his closest disciples. Hailed as “the father of

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America’s Spiritually Desolate, Nihilist Ruling Oligarchy

Long ago there lived by the banks of the Great River on the edge of Wilderland a clever-handed and quiet-footed little people, said Gandalf to Frodo, “I guess they were of hobbit-kind (and) the most inquisitous and curious-minded (of them all) was… Sméagol.” (The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien, p.65) Sméagol was intensely interested in power, so in

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Global Oligarchy, Forces of Darkness, and the Spirit of Antichrist

In “The Kingdom of Darkness Encircles North America,” Vishal Mangalwadi, founder-president of BOMI/Revelation Movement and author of “The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization!” wrote that his third visit to North America opened his eyes to the magnitude and the power of massive demonic forces of darkness facing the

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