Christ, Caesar, or Self:  Recognizing Political Idolatry– Part 2

Dr. Jeffery J. Ventrella, TruthXchange Newsletter Introduction Truthxchange exists to Inform the public, Equip the Church, and Protect the Future.  Last week, we explained the origins of pagan Political Idolatry and concluded by noting that in many cases, the Church itself has acted as a change agent by unintentionally producing an idol-generating reductionism.  To better confront and overcome this trend, […]

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It’s Darkest Before Dawn

Jeffrey Ventrella, Brownstone Institute, 6/24 It’s been a painful four years watching the experts, backed by power, dismantle all the foundations of the good life, and yet not be held accountable for the results.  The astonishing debate scene between Trump and Biden makes the point and leaves us with a strange new reality. The facade

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World Health Organization’s Coup d’ État for Global Takeover Exposed in Simple Terms

Texans Jack & Dodie , Clever Journeys, 6/24 Why did Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt recently sign a bill exempting the state from World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations mandates? Bill 426 went into effect immediately and made it illegal for the World Economic Forum (WEF) and any of its operatives to push their globalist agenda

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The Lord Our God, Heaven, Hell, Souls, and Demons: Do They Exist?

At issue for evolutionary materialists (nihilists), is the existence of the supernatural God of Revelation, the Heavenly Creator who spoke everything into existence ex nihilo. Does He exist and did He reveal Himself to men or not? Materialist new-pagans say no, all that exists is the natural dimension of matter and energy in continuous motion

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Australian Street Preacher Says Creation ‘Is the Issue’ Because Society is Saturated With Evolutionary Thinking

Russell Walace, I am a pastor and also part of a street preaching and evangelism team in Adelaide, South Australia and most Friday nights we meet on a busy street corner in the city to proclaim the Gospel. Everyone on the team is fully committed to the task. However, whenever I raise the topic

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Inside the Evil Orb

Joe Allen, Singularity Weekly, 6/24 For over eight months, the Las Vegas Sphere has hosted a morbid, techno-religious depopulation ritual. The director Darren Aronofsky calls it Postcard From Earth. By the time this AI-powered “postcard” arrives at its interstellar destination, there are basically no humans left on the planet—and that’s a good thing! If you haven’t seen

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Imagine There’s No Living Christian God…..Only Man’s Imaginary Idol–Evolution

Karl Popper (1902-1994) was a British philosopher and professor at the London School of Economics. Because he is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century, what Popper had to say about Darwinism is of utmost importance to the desperate cultural struggle fought between creationists and methodological and ontological naturalists.

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Rev. Benjamin Glaser: The Corrosive Nature of Deception; Why Lying Destroys the Lier and the Receiver of Lies

Rev.Benjamin Glaser, 6/18/24 Good Morning, My granddaddy used to say that it is easier to tell the truth because then you only have to remember one thing. Now, I’m sure he ain’t the first, or the last, to say that, but it’s honestly one of the most helpful things any of us can remember. Lies

Rev. Benjamin Glaser: The Corrosive Nature of Deception; Why Lying Destroys the Lier and the Receiver of Lies Read More »

Transhumanist Futures: Part 2: Humanity in the Crosshairs

Johnson, Broudy, Hughes, Propaganda In Focus Abstract: The Transhumanist campaign against humanity, we have outlined in Part 1, is part and parcel of a sophisticated long-game strategy waged against bodies and psyches. With the manipulation of our primal fears and altruistic impulses, the prosecution of this technological onslaught against humanity is camouflaged by linguistic shell games

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Castration and Artificial Wombs: Elites Push Transhumanism at Annual Hay Festival

Columbia University researcher Cat Bohannon claimed that castration could extend men’s lifespans and questioned the ethics of impregnating women if artificial wombs were created. Jonathon Van Maren, Lifesite News, 6/24 (LifeSiteNews) — The annual Hay Festival of Literature and Arts, once described by Bill Clinton as “The Woodstock of the mind,” was held from May

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The Hatred of “Whiteness” Is a Hatred of Christianity

“It’s an evil ideology that turns the idea of God-blessed obedience on its head. It says Western prosperity is not the fruit of righteousness, but the result of sin.” Ben Davis, Caldron Pool, 6/24 There’s no shortage of “anti-white” rhetoric being thrown about these days. It’s mainstream, normalized, and has come to be expected in

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Transhumanism:  Covid Injections And The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things

Johnson, Broudy, Hughes, Propaganda in Focus, 6/24, via Technocracy News Abstract: Since human beings generally represent the most unpredictable element of any complex organisation, management techniques must be continually refined in the interest of maintaining the system. As we have discussed in Part 3, the major centres of power and influence in societies deploy every

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Foundation of American Folly: The Ford Foundation Has Spent Decades Tearing the Country Apart, Tax Free

N.S. Lyons, City Journal, Spring 2024 It’s November 2023, and, following the October 7 attacks by Hamas terrorists that killed some 1,400 Israelis and at least 31 Americans, thousands of demonstrators march through New York City, calling for the destruction of the Jewish state. Chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be

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2020 Pushed Minnesota Toward the Third World

Brownstone Institute, 6/24 Minnesota has quickly become a case study for the disastrous effects of the Covid response, including how government programs facilitated brazen fraud, how criminals use tribalism to deflect accountability, and how Americans are now poorer and less safe than five years ago. The DOJ has charged 70 defendants in a fraud scheme in which

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