Global Digital Marking System Coming Soon to United States of America: Biden Admin Working on Draft Executive Order

Leo Hohmann, 8/24 I have been reporting about this for exactly four years, warning people that it was coming and to prepare for the day when you won’t be able to buy or sell unless you submit to a biometric digital ID based on a scan of your eyeballs, your palm, or some other unique […]

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Americans—Killing Their Own Children and Supporting the Death of the Elderly

Ken Ham, 8/24 As someone who knows what God’s Word teaches about the unborn and the value of every person made in God’s image (right from fertilization), it’s hard to stomach many news headlines these days. Whether it’s reports of atrocities committed in wars far away or yet another report about the killing of unborn

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Meaning Behind Luciferian Paris Olympic Ceremonies

Global ‘Elites’ are actually Luciferian occult initiates. Most of them, if not all of them, practice modern evolutionary spirituality, a kind of Hindu evolutionary ascension to godlikeness that opens them, or gives ground to, forces of darkness. This means they are under the controlling influences of demons and Powers. Some of them are in varying

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Who Is Directing the War On Agriculture and Nutrition?

Paul Driessen, Townhall, 8/10/24 Elite billionaire organizations and foundations, government agencies, and activist pressure groups are funding and coordinating a global war on modern agriculture, nutrition, and Earth’s poorest, hungriest people. Instead of helping more families get nutritious food, better healthcare, and higher living standards, they’re doing the opposite and harming biodiversity in the process. The

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Does Evolution Have a . . . Chance?

Mike Riddle, answersingenesis One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet we are here—as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation.1—George Wald, Nobel Laureate In today’s culture, molecules-to-man evolution is being taught as a fact, even though it is known to “go

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Envy, Hatred, and Vengeance Disguised as Politics

In a FB post a pastor’s wife wrote: “Steve Deace pointed out today that as of August 1st in the state of Minnesota, under the leadership of Gov. Tim Walz, it is illegal for a 12 year old to ride in the front seat of a car, but they are allowed to come to this

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A Summary Of Betrayal

Graham Williamson, Carbon Sense Coalition, 2016 The 2030 Agenda: Australian Government invites the UN to control our rights, laws, freedoms, private property, energy use, & life style The UN, having spent more than half a $trillion in 70 years, is an undemocratic, unaccountable international policeman that is in the business of inventing ‘global problems’ which can only be ‘solved’ by

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Relativism Throughout the Church and United States

“Barbarism is that which prevailed from the days of Adam down through ten generations to the time of Noah. It is called barbarism because of the fact that in those times men had no ruling authority or mutual accord, but every man was independent and a law unto himself after the dictates of his own

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Unelected Technocrats are now the Nation’s Chief Executives

Mises Wire, Ryan McMaken, 7/24 President Biden has not been seen in public since announcing he would not seek re-election on Sunday. Biden’s “resignation” was nothing more than a text-only post on Twitter/X—and we know that the president does not manage his own social media accounts. There has been no video of the president making

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Legalized Sexual Anarchy: Does Reason Rescue this Idol?

Christ, Caesar, or Self:  Recognizing Political Idolatry Idols in Our Midst – Part 5 By Dr. Jeffery J Ventrella, TruthXchange Newsletter, 7/24 “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity . . . by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media.”[1] “At the heart of liberty is the right

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Media Cover Up the Jihad on French Churches

Raymond Ibrahim, 7/24 Yet another fire has broken out in a French church, and the “mainstream media” are doing everything to prevent people from connecting the dots — quite literally, as shall be seen — concerning its significance. On July 11, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Rouen, a twelfth-century landmark in Normandy, caught fire.

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False Reality: A Conjuration of Evil Spirits in the Minds of Men

Had the Soviet Union not collapsed, in time it too would have tried to impose anal sodomy and androgyny/transgender onto the whole wide world. The Soviet Union was meant to be the communist Mother Country presiding over a destroyed and then transformed new world order. But it collapsed and now it’s the United States arrogantly

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Darwin’s Impact—the Bloodstained Legacy of Evolution

Raymond Hall, Poland was still behind the Iron Curtain then. It was the summer of 1972, and I was travelling to that country with student colleagues. Our tertiary course involved Marxism, and we wanted to see something of its implications in practice. Entering East Germany en route, I felt a certain sense of excitement;

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Why Is Darkness Settling Over Our Land, And What Can We Do?

Bill Elliff, Truthink Publications, 7/24 How do we interpret the increasing evil around us? The depraved thinking that shouts wrong as right? The diabolical deception wrapping its tentacles around our children? The sexual depravity that is not only openly practiced but promoted, applauded, and exported? The rapid rise of violence and crime? Once beautiful and

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Luciferian Humanism: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil

Vassilis Tsiartas, one of the most legendary soccer players of his time received a ten month suspended jail sentence plus a suspended fine for posting “transphobic” social media messages citing the Bible’s creation account. (1). “God created Adam and Eve,” wrote retired Greek football legend Vassilis Tsiartas in the second of two Facebook posts opposing

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