Lucifer’s Tower of Mordor and America’s Orcs and Goblins

Here in America Baphomet/Lucifer/Satan’s slaves—human-hating Progressive Liberal Orcs and Goblins have been engaged in impoverishing, perverting, and burning down American civilization. Now they are poised to seize total power over America. Already they occupy every public and private sphere from the White House, Senate, Congress, Intelligence, Law, Media, Hollywood, academia, lower school, libraries, certain pulpits, […]

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Monkey minds: How evolution undercuts reason and science

Keaton Halley, Atheists routinely style themselves as champions of reason and science, and they view evolutionary theory as a triumph of both. Indeed, they believe that evolution helps them to explain features of the world that would otherwise be inexplicable. As Richard Dawkins put it, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled

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Does Zionist Controlled Israel Deserve to Be Annihilated?

There is much hatred for Israel today. It is expressed by both Islamists and Western Christians and other groups toward Israel since they’ve become aware of the genocide carried out in Gaza by Zionist Israel. But does Israel deserve to be annihilated, as Islamists want and American haters appear to desire? Modern Israel is a

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If AI Companies Are Trying To Build God, Shouldn’t They Get Our Permission First?

Sigal Samuel, Technocracy News, 10/24 When a handful of innovators rise up to literally change the world, for better or worse, shouldn’t the public have a say beforehand? AI is an oxymoron: only humans possess intelligence, not machines. Perhaps machines need a god to police themselves, but to say the machine god is, therefore, suitable

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Court Delivers “First Known Conviction of a ‘Thoughtcrime’ in Modern British History”

Michael Curzon, European Conservative, 10/16/24 The guilty man was spotted praying silently for his dead son outside an abortion clinic. An army veteran has today been convicted for praying silently near an abortion clinic. Adam Smith-Connor, who served in Afghanistan, was prosecuted for breaching a ban on protests within a buffer zone around a clinic in Bournemouth,

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Burning America Down: How It’s Being Accomplished

“In the last month, without purposefully looking, I’ve come across at least two dozen online and print articles on ADHD (including so-called “Adult ADHD), all of which claim it is a brain-based disease that involves something the ADHD Establishment calls “brain differences” and/or biochemical abnormalities of some sort. All of the articles in question advance

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Cultural Marxism-Multiculturalism

There are two misconceptions held by many Americans. The first is that communism ceased to be a threat when the Soviet Union imploded. The second is that the New Left of the Sixties collapsed and disappeared as well. “The Sixties are dead,” wrote columnist George Will (“Slamming the Doors,” Newsweek, Mar. 25, 1991) Because the

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Satan’s Western Luciferians Flee the Cross of Christ

“A Christian judo Olympian has been punished after making the Sign of the Cross at the Paris Olympics.” (Christian Olympian Suspended for Five Months After Making Sign of the Cross at Paris Olympics, (Clare Marie Merkowsky, LifeSite News, 10/24) Global ‘Elites’ are Luciferian occult initiates and cannot bear the sign of the Cross of Christ. Most

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The Biden Administration and Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution From Hell in America

“So, why hasn’t the president, or the cabal that is actually running this country while the alleged president is sunning himself on the beach and the vice president is going around joying and bratting, alerted those military units and told them to get their camo behinds into the mountains to help out? It’s simple. The

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The Biden Administration is Laughing At Red State Helene Victims

Kurt Schlichter, Townhall, 10/24 The total apathy of the Biden administration (sic) regarding the unprecedented destruction caused by Hurricane Helene in Appalachia shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. It is certainly not a surprise to the Biden administration. Joe Biden himself might be surprised to hear about it since he is a desiccated, mindless

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Practical Counsel for Pastors Who Are Beginning to Discern the Times

Michael Clary, Sola Ecclesia, 9/24 Over the past ten years or so, pastors have navigated some of the most morally complicated and emotionally turbulent ministry environments they’ve ever experienced. The world has changed around us in unprecedented ways that we’ve only just begun to comprehend. One of the most helpful explanations of these cultural changes

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Does Teaching Evolution Promote Atheism in the Classroom?

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, 9/24 A federal court recently dismissed a lawsuit filed by Christian parents against the state of Indiana. The lawsuit claimed “teachers violate religious freedom law when they promote ‘the atheist religion’ by teaching students about evolution.” The court “allowed the science education standards to remain in place,” claiming that “evolution is not

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New Age Spirituality, Darwinism, Carl Jung, and Philemon

Though Jesus Christ called on Christians to be spiritually alert, spiritual discernment is at an all-time low within the contemporary Christian community. For example, though Christians may know that Carl Jung is one of the founders of modern psychology, what they do not know is that Jung was a heavily demonized occultist and the father

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What Have Lying Conditioners Done To Us?

The Soviet Union was for globalists such as the Rockefellers, a giant laboratory chock full of lab specimens (humans). The Soviet Union was a ready made lab where social, psychic (mind control; breaking and killing the spirit), emotional, sexual (gender-bending), and other inhumane experiments on humans were carried out by psychopaths without outside interference. There

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The Post-War Consensus: How We Defeated The Nazis And Lost Our Souls…may God have mercy on us!

Rich Lusk, Clear Truth Media, 9/24 “Everything you’ve been told is a lie.” Well, ok, that’s probably true for the most part. Our institutions – our political leaders, educational systems, and mainstream media – have definitely lost the trust and respect of the people. But note: Even if the major narratives we have been handed

The Post-War Consensus: How We Defeated The Nazis And Lost Our Souls…may God have mercy on us! Read More »