Video: Teaching Victimhood: Why Students Are Miserable (John Stossel on “The Coddling” Movie)

The poisonous Woke (Cultural Marxism) worldview doing its ‘distortion of reality’ work in the minds of America’s ‘victim” class. Woke ideology is a parasite in the mind. It darkens and distorts reality. It’s just here that we can truly understand why we are admonished to daily cleanse our minds through the Word of God. Linda […]

Video: Teaching Victimhood: Why Students Are Miserable (John Stossel on “The Coddling” Movie) Read More »

How Will We Recover From the Victimhood Culture (and Nihilism) Destroying Our Youth?

Michael Bedar, Lifesite News, 1/15/25 A documentary, The Coddling of the American Mind, directed by Ted Balaker, is rigorously researched and is starting to rapidly spread ideas among students that we have been made humorless, mentally fragile dependents as a result of teaching systemic victimhood. In a video produced by John Stossel about The Coddling, the journalist notes that a

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The Great Reset, Darwinism and Other Ideologies: The Demonic Rings of Power They Confer on Sinful Humans

“It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world. And since…it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its

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“Woke;” Code for Totalitarian Demonic Beast

“Woke” is code for totalitarianism, whether socialist or Marxist communism. From the French Terror on through the 20th century’s demonic beast regimes, Soviet Communism and Nazi Socialism, this movement of evil spirit and wicked humans demonstrated for all to see that malice…a sadistic desire for the destruction of all civilizations that exist, especially Christian based

“Woke;” Code for Totalitarian Demonic Beast Read More »

WEF Insider Reveals LA Wildfires Were Engineered to Poison our Air, Water, Land and Redistribute Property Into Hands of Elites

TPV Sean on X The Los Angeles wildfires were orchestrated by the globalist elite to poison our air, water, and soil, and redistribute property into the hands of the elite, according to a World Economic Forum insider who warns that “Build back better” literally means destroying things first and then rebuilding according to New World

WEF Insider Reveals LA Wildfires Were Engineered to Poison our Air, Water, Land and Redistribute Property Into Hands of Elites Read More »

All that Exists is Matter and Evolutionary Energy: The Worldview That Caused the Collapse of Christian Grounded Western and American Civilization

Queer Marxism is a religious cult and “drag queens are the enlightened priest class who understand that gender is an oppressive performance that can be parodied, disrupted, and deconstructed” Drag Queens as Priests of Queer Theory, James Lindsey, New Discourses Bullets, Episode 107 Drag Queens epitomize modern irrational man who has stopped regarding himself as the vice-regent

All that Exists is Matter and Evolutionary Energy: The Worldview That Caused the Collapse of Christian Grounded Western and American Civilization Read More »

Depopulation Agenda in Full View: Bill Gates Unleashes Plan For New Series of Gene-Based Injections That Will Target Africa

Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter, 1/5/25 Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is rolling out a plan to use Africans as guinea pigs for an expanded series of new genetically altering mRNA injections. He calls them vaccines but we know they are not vaccines, at least not in the traditional meaning of the word. U.S. courts have even

Depopulation Agenda in Full View: Bill Gates Unleashes Plan For New Series of Gene-Based Injections That Will Target Africa Read More »

Religious Leaders Bless Sites of Child Sacrifices

Bill Muehlenberg, Caldron Pool, Jan 2, 2025 The headline goes like this: “Priests hold a ceremony to bless child offerings to Moloch, Baal and other deities.” The story in part says this: “Liberal priests have taken to ‘blessing’ child sacrifice sites to signal support for those who choose to offer their babies as sacrifices to

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Beneath Sheep’s Clothing: Journey Through Soviet Union and Modern America to See Pattern of Communist Takeover

In “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing”, join us on a riveting journey through Soviet history and modern America to understand the pattern of a communist takeover of culture. Witness firsthand accounts of historical Soviet tactics to overtake education and religion. Observe the compelling evidence that similar tactics have been at play with our schools and churches here in America – some for over a

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Hatred, Envy, Resentment, Vengeance: Why Whites Need Not Apply

Hatred, Resentment, Envy: Why Whites Need Not Apply When who you are, ie white, is offensive to other people, and they demand you be less than who you are—rather than white, nonwhite, rather than a man a soy boy–we are dealing with that terrible sin condition scripture describes as rotten to the bone. That condition

Hatred, Envy, Resentment, Vengeance: Why Whites Need Not Apply Read More »

The Demonic Leftist Worldview: Leftist Jew, Leftist Christian

The Leftist worldview (including socialist and communist conceptions) mainly emerged out of the Enlightenment though the stage was set during the Renaissance. As CS Lewis said, the Renaissance was the high noon of occultism. It was then that ancient pagan creeds came flooding into the heart of the Christian West. Among the creeds was spiritism

The Demonic Leftist Worldview: Leftist Jew, Leftist Christian Read More »

Imagine there’s no God…..only evolution: the counterfeit authority of empirical naturalism

A new day is dawning here in America, and while greeted with great relief and enthusiasm by Christians and our middle class, the dark side, who are mainly Darwinian materialists and Luciferian mystical pantheists, will fight against the incoming Light until the bitter end. Because the very rotten root of the Dark Sides soulless view

Imagine there’s no God…..only evolution: the counterfeit authority of empirical naturalism Read More »