The Worldview of Evil Spirits: Revolution, Evolution, Materialism, Nihilism, New World Order, and More

Genesis of the Revolution from Hell In the classic work, “Earth’s Earliest Ages” English theologian G.H. Pember (1837-1910) examines the role of satanic forces in the first destruction of earth under God’s judgment and compares them to the explosion of open contact with evil spirits, ancient Egyptian Hermetic magic, Theosophy, Buddhism, reincarnation, karma, the Mystery religion of […]

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‘Scientific’ Evolutionary Materialism and New World Order: The Worldview of Satan

For over eighty-five years, America has been incrementally conquered by the same madness and murder-inducing demon of revolution, nihilism (objective meaninglessness), hatred, mass murder, and violence that earlier took over Russia, China, Germany, and Italy. The demon is embodied in “scientifically enlightened” rank and file revolutionary pagan nihilists, the pagan Western European and American ruling

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By Jonathan Brentner, 5/16/22, Reprinted from A Crooked Path If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13, the only alternative is to assume that something with a most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast is coming our way. In other words, if what the globalists propose


Gnostic Progressive Leftism and Global Transhumanism’s Eternal Equality in Hell

Researchers of the genesis of modern Progressive Leftism say the movement first arose during the Renaissance as a rejection of the Christian church and the Biblical God in favor of  ancient  pantheist occult-magic science, esoteric Cabbalism, Ancient Mystery Religions, Luciferian Gnosticism, Egyptian Hermeticism, Satanic Theosophy, Roisicrucianism, Anthroposophy, alchemy, Buddism, Karma, evolution, reincarnation, Tantric sex-magic, the Eternal Return, and more. 

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Racism Feeds on Nihilistic Darwinism

By RICHARD WEIKART, The Stream, Published on April 29, 2022 Black History Month is a time to reflect on the great achievements of African-Americans and black Africans, while also confronting the sordid history of racism. The purpose of such reflection, of course, is to combat vestiges of racism in our society, so that we can properly love our

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Gnosis: The Main Expression of Modern Paganized Christianity

In the essay, “The Paganization of Biblical Studies,” Dr. Peter Jones, Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary in Escondido, Calif., identifies liberalism and/or progressivism as a form of neo-Gnostic paganism, or mystical pantheism. Occult Gnostic pantheism arose among certain Jews during the Babylonian exile, making Gnosticism grounded in ‘Ageless Wisdom Teachings’ from the time of

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America’s Transformation Into A Mystical Pantheist God-State

What the Death of God Has Wrought “The announcement of the death of God was the obituary of a useless single-minded and one-dimensional norm of a civilization that has been predominantly monotheistic, not only in its religion, but also in its politics, its history, its social order, its ethics, and its psychology. When released from

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Why the Infernal Great Reset Will End in Catastrophe

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week. The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the

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When Artificial Intelligence Becomes the God of Forces All Hell Will Break Loose

In Emerald Robinson’s excellent analysis of Globalism’s arch-guru Yuval Hariri, she concludes that he is not really a humanist as he casts himself: “.. he doesn’t have any love for humanity. Nor is he really interested in the preservation of democracy. He is the psuedo-prophet of a one world government that would enslave humanity forever using a

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Why America is Falling Into an Evil City of Beast-Men

We are no longer living in the land we once knew. The death of our Lord Jesus in the hearts of millions of Americans is why the land we loved is in free-fall into an evil City of Man whose citizens have stepped out into the Void and are no longer human but beast-men and

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Sorcery and Chaos Magic in Woke Pagan America

“You shall not commit murder; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not corrupt boys; you shall not commit fornication; you shall not steal; you shall not practice magic; you shall not practice sorcery [farmakeusein]; you shall not murder a child by abortion or kill a newborn infant.” (Didache 2.2)  Godless pagan America is an unsafe land teeming with murder and

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I am Nature, the Mighty Mother, I am the law; ye have none other. I am the flower and the dewdrop fresh, I am the lust in your itching flesh. I am the battle’s filth and strain, I am the widow’s empty pain. I am the sea to smother your breath, I am the bomb,


Contending for the Faith in an Upside Down Post-Truth Culture

In a culture that is upside down, believers are to stand for, defend, and proclaim the truth no matter how unpopular that may be. By Abraham Hamilton III, American Family Association, Cited from A Crooked Path, April 26, 2022 In man’s continuous effort to try to supplant God’s purposes and instructions and replace them with

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The Wicked

“…the COVID vaccines have been “clinically tested” on the world’s population.  Former president Barack Obama claimed Thursday that “we’ve now, essentially, clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide” and derided the unvaccinated. “  (Obama Admits COVID Jab Has Been Clinically Tested On Billions While Chastising Americans Who Refused, Louis Knuftke, LifeSite News, Apr 22, 2022)  At

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Albert Jay Nock: Isaiah’s Job

Mises Institute, 6/21/08 One evening last autumn, I sat long hours with a European acquaintance while he expounded a political-economic doctrine which seemed sound as a nut and in which I could find no defect. At the end, he said with great earnestness: “I have a mission to the masses. I feel that I am

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