The Tower of Babel: Work and Confusion

By R. J. Rushdoony,; May 25, 1994 The judgment on the Tower of Babel builders should concern us all, because it is a continuing judgment on all their imitators. The Tower represented a one-world governmental center in defiance of God. Its purpose was to undo God’s judgment and to restore paradise by man’s ostensibly sovereign […]

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5 Indicators of an Evil and Wicked Heart

Association of Biblical Counselors, 2/23 by Leslie Vernick As Christian counselors, pastors and people helpers we often have a hard time discerning between an evil heart and an ordinary sinner who messes up, who isn’t perfect, and full of weakness and sin. I think one of the reasons we don’t “see” evil is because we find

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America’s Forces of Darkness: Christians Are the Enemy

WND Newsletter: David Kupelian on the Forces of Darkness Currently Destroying Our Nation In case you haven’t heard, public schools in the United States of America are now opening up after-school Satan Clubs. Yes, you read that right. At the same time, Joe Biden recently condemned any effort to stop the horrendous transgender surgeries mutilating America’s children

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Debased Minds & Suppression Of Truth: Romans One Is Being Manifested In Nearly Every Community

Dean Dwyer, Harbingers Daily, 6/17/23 Queensland, Australia) — God’s wrath is not a subject that is on the lips of many people today, even in the church. Unfortunately, as the church has stopped preaching it, the unrepentant have stopped fearing it. Consequently, the majority of people are completely ignorant of it. Yet, God’s wrath is clearly

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Evolutionary Theists Do Not Believe Moses, So How Will They Believe Jesus’ Words?

“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” John 5:46-47 “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. ” Luke 24:27 John 1 tells

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Destroying the Family: Your Children Belong To Us

Dr. Peter Jones, TruthXchange, 6/7/23 A few years ago, a beautiful young woman named Yeonmi Park, escaped into China from North Korea, where people are arrested for religious crimes and face detention, forced labor, torture, sexual violence, and death. Eventually, she came to the United States, where she enrolled as a graduate student at Columbia University. Here

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Steps to World Rule: First, Destroy Humanity

Todd Hayen, OffGuardian, 6/3/23 It has always been astounding to me that people think for even a second that their government makes decisions to help the people—that has never been the case. If a government’s decision helps anyone it is always an after effect…or an afterthought or a collateral unintended benefit. The primary intent is for power,

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Isaiah 57 Revisited: America’s Deep State ‘Elites,’ Their Depraved Followers, and Human Sacrifice

America, the freest, most enlightened society in the history of the world, was founded on Biblical presuppositions beginning with, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) “…in His own image He made them, male and female He made them…I give you dominion over the earth and its creatures…” (Gen. 1:27)

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Schaeffer: “We Live in a Post-Christian World. Do Not Take This Lightly!” Speaking Truth Will Be Painful

Bill Muehlenberg, The Aquila Report, 5/23/23 “We must realize that to know the truth and to practice it will be costly….We must keep on speaking and acting even if the price is high. We must keep on preaching, even if the price is high. There is nothing in the Bible that says we are to

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Why the Deep State and Progressive Liberal ‘Elitists’ Actively Promote Depravity and Evil

“If they weren’t so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer’s very purpose being the total destruction of everything that God

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Is Quoting the Bible Becoming a Hate Crime in America? One Pastor Risks Jail Time If He Keeps Speaking Truth

By William Wolfe , Standing For Freedom, 5/15/23 “Do you know where people get thrown in jail for their social media posts? In China. In Saudi Arabia. In Russia. Not in the United States of America — or so we always thought. Until now.”–WILLIAM WOLFE America was founded by Christians seeking the freedom to preach and practice

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They’re Coming To Take You Away

Comment by Linda: Sadduces and Pharisees were never in the habit of taking personal responsibility for their own stupid choices and vices, so when they wanted Jesus Christ to die, He had to be the scapegoat. He had to deserve death. So His accusers simply threw the filth of invented, perverted charges upon Him. There

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Collusion in Blatant Misogyny

by Carl R. Trueman , World Opinions, 4/13/23 The last week has made obvious to all but the most willfully blind the depth and power of the culture industry’s commitment to normalizing transgenderism.  From the odd way in which media reports both downplayed the trans identity of the killer in the Nashville school shooting while playing up

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Satan’s Humanist Mouthpieces: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil

In The 5000 Year Leap, Cleon Skousen writes that most Americans in the early years of our Republic truly regarded the Constitution as a miracle, declaring that the formation and adoption of our new system of federal government represented a political achievement unprecedented in human history. It was a miracle because grounded on unchanging Reality,

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How Will Christianity Survive During Dark Times?

by Michael G. Brown, Tabletalk Magazine; 4/23 The conquering power of evil is on the increase. This is characteristic of the last times. Innocent babies are now not even allowed to be born, so corrupted are the moral standards. Or if born, no one educates them, so desolate are studies. Or if trained, no one enforces

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