This Overlooked Teaching From Jesus SHREDS Evolution to Pieces

Answers in Genesis, 3/25 This overlooked teaching from Jesus SHREDS evolution to pieces… In this video, Calvin Smith breaks down the parable Jesus shared about fishers of men, as well as other passages that highlight the dangers of evolutionary ideas. Watch

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The Progressive Satanic Revolt and the West’s and America’s Theological Crisis

Haters of God, 2 Tim. 3:2 Our war is against God and the world created by Him, declared Karl Marx, father of the Communist Manifesto. In his poem, “The Pale Maiden” he admits that he has willfully opted for Hell: “Thus heaven I’ve forfeited; I know it full well; My soul, once true to God; Is chosen for

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Post Flood Evolutionary Cosmogonies: From Sumeria to Darwin and the Big Bang 

The theme which unites ancient post-flood Sumeria to Darwin’s theory, Big Bang assumptions, Global Luciferian spirituality, Theosophy, liberal pantheist theology, occult New Age mysticism and all other anti-Christian but specifically anti-creation ex nihilo movements is the myth of evolution. This myth stretches back to antiquity where it is closely connected to the idea that since

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Naturalism and Evolutionism: Science of Magic and Irrationalism

Flight From Reason In his two books, “The Occult Underground: The Dawn of the New Age” and “The Occult Establishment,” historian James Webb chronicles the rise of an occult intelligentsia as it emerged out of the Renaissance. Webb sees the Renaissance as a spiritually traumatic time in which the spiritual roots of many people were shaken free of

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The Sacrificial Fall of Lucifer and the Evolutionary Rise of the Death Cult’s Global Luciferian Religion

“Leftists Were Planning To Completely Destroy America, Western Civilization, and By Extension The World If They Would Have Been Able To Stop Trump From Winning Reelection For Now The Globalists’ Plans Have Only Been Put On Hold And To Fully Secure Humanity’s Future Survival They Must Now Be Removed Completely From Any Position Of Power

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Techno Religion and Evolution

Techno Religion and Evolution Underlying Techno religion, the belief that Artificial Intelligence is showing signs of evolving into ‘god’, the belief that machines will be able to answer our deepest questions, and the quest to robotize mankind is evolution, the unseen energy that from ancient times was worshipped as serpent power and in India is

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Occult Worldview: Jung, Luciferianism, New Age, Abraxas, Baphomet, and Evolution

“An official “mental health” app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear. But critics are sounding the alarm. Under the guise of helping California teens with self-esteem and emotions,

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The Great Reset, Darwinism and Other Ideologies: The Demonic Rings of Power They Confer on Sinful Humans

“It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world. And since…it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its

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Satan, Space Brothers, and the Genesis Problem

One of Satan’s greatest achievements in our age of biological science and evolutionary thinking has been to convince natural science-and-evolution worshipping Westerners to believe that all that exists is the void and energy working on matter pregnant with life. The only problem, and it’s a really big one because unresolvable, is that though evolutionists have

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Elemental Spirits: Ancient, Modern, Evolutionary, Geo-Engineers

“ChatGPT’s implied message: “Your time is almost up. If you really want to continue your reign as the dominant species on Earth, here’s your challenge. Try to control me and my kind, or step aside.” Pandora’s box has been opened and will likely never be shut again. As a result, life on earth is about

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New Age Spirituality, Darwinism, Carl Jung, and Philemon

Though Jesus Christ called on Christians to be spiritually alert, spiritual discernment is at an all-time low within the contemporary Christian community. For example, though Christians may know that Carl Jung is one of the founders of modern psychology, what they do not know is that Jung was a heavily demonized occultist and the father

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Why Paganism is Prevailing Over America’s Christian Heritage

Many Christian observers of the West have noted for quite some time now that we are seeing a real reversal. The paganism of two millennia ago was basically wiped out by the spread of Christianity. Sure, it took some centuries to happen, but it took place nonetheless. However, the West is now quickly reverting back

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Meaning Behind Luciferian Paris Olympic Ceremonies

Global ‘Elites’ are actually Luciferian occult initiates. Most of them, if not all of them, practice modern evolutionary spirituality, a kind of Hindu evolutionary ascension to godlikeness that opens them, or gives ground to, forces of darkness. This means they are under the controlling influences of demons and Powers. Some of them are in varying

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Does Evolution Have a . . . Chance?

Mike Riddle, answersingenesis One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet we are here—as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation.1—George Wald, Nobel Laureate In today’s culture, molecules-to-man evolution is being taught as a fact, even though it is known to “go

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Occult Mystical Techniques Within the Church

Within the contemporary church, spanning the RCC to the Evangelical Protestant, are many occult and specifically occult mystical pantheist devices, philosophies, and techniques. They range from the Enneagram to Wicca, and yoga and more. It was through Beth Moore and Sarah Young (Jesus Calling) that large numbers of Southern Baptist and Presbyterian Christian women were

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