Infernal Raging Storm Winds Over the West and America

A vast infernal spirit overshadows the West and our land. In its darkness, madness, wickedness, and evil run rampant throughout society. Under the banner of Pride males compete against female athletes, males are allowed in girls bathrooms and locker rooms; males are females, females are males; females and males surgically transition to the opposite sex; […]

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The Connections Between the Goat-Headed Demon Baphomet and Why Researchers are Creating Interspecies Embryos

Writer Calvin Freiburger reports on an alarming new development in biological experimentation: “…scientists have created a hybrid embryo comprised of human and monkey cells.” “Interspecies chimera formation with human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represents a necessary alternative to evaluate hPSC pluripotency in vivo and might constitute a promising strategy for various regenerative medicine applications, including

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Transhumanism: Dancing With The Digital Devil

 JOE ALLEN VIA CHRONICLES, Technocracy News, 6/9/23 Many people flippantly dismiss alarms over transhumanism, not realizing that they are being drawn into the most clever trap in human history; one that promises Utopia but delivers destruction. This article is a must-read deep think that enhances the title of my latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy

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Evolutionary Theists Do Not Believe Moses, So How Will They Believe Jesus’ Words?

“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” John 5:46-47 “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. ” Luke 24:27 John 1 tells

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Discerning Evil Powers, Their Pagan World Order, and Hold Over the Souls of Modern Men and Women

“They who are called devils (demons; fallen powers) attempt…to seduce men from God who made them, and from Christ His first-begotten.” Justin Martyr, 2nd century A.D., Apology 58. (1) “The devils put forward Marcion of Pontus (a Gnostic teacher), who (teaches) men to deny God is the maker of all things in heaven and on

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Americas’ Spiritually Desolate, Deep State Gollums

Long ago there lived by the banks of the Great River on the edge of Wilderland a clever-handed, quiet-footed little people, said Gandalf to Frodo, “I guess they were of hobbit-kind (and) the most inquisitous and curious-minded (of them all) was… Sméagol.” (The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien, p.65) Sméagol was a naturalist, so he was intensely interested

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Why the Deep State and Progressive Liberal ‘Elitists’ Actively Promote Depravity and Evil

“If they weren’t so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer’s very purpose being the total destruction of everything that God

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Kundalini (Serpent Power) & Satan’s Servants of Error and Deception in America and Church

“We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.” (1 John 4:6) In this verse the emphasis is on the believer’s ability to discern between a spirit of truth and a spirit of error, heresy,

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Revisiting Naturalism and Evolutionism: The Dying West’s Science of Magic and Madness

“If we and our posterity…live always in the fear of God and shall respect His Commandments…we may have the highest hopes of the future fortunes of our country…. But if we…neglect religious instruction and authority; violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the constitution which holds us

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Doctrine of Demons: Modern ‘Scientific’ Evolutionary Materialism and Pantheism

“Twoism isn’t just descriptive of the structure of biblical cosmology; it’s a worldview that flows out of a way of life, the way of holiness (but) believers today—tempted to conform to the Oneist world all around them—fail to see that holiness is a way to speak of the cosmological binary of twoness, which maintains natural,

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Who created God? It’s An Illogical Question

by Don Batten, creation.com Atheists frequently pose this question to justify their disbelief. Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), a famous British philosopher, in his influential little essay, Why I am not a Christian, put this forward as his first objection.1 Today’s atheists repeat the objection, including Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) and Australia’s own Philip Adams at the 2010 Global Atheists’

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Satan’s Humanist Mouthpieces: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil

In The 5000 Year Leap, Cleon Skousen writes that most Americans in the early years of our Republic truly regarded the Constitution as a miracle, declaring that the formation and adoption of our new system of federal government represented a political achievement unprecedented in human history. It was a miracle because grounded on unchanging Reality,

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Teachings of Demons: The Aeon of Horus, Reign of God-Men, and End of the Christian God

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,”    1 Tim 4:1 “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth

Teachings of Demons: The Aeon of Horus, Reign of God-Men, and End of the Christian God Read More »

The Fall of Mankind, the Religion of Evolution, and the Antichrist

In “Against the Heathen,” early Church Father Athanasius observes that pride and haughtiness preceded man’s fall into idolatry and paganism. A haughty spirit led them to make light of the higher knowledge of the Lord our God. Deliberately disregarding what they knew to be true they began to seek in preference knowledge of the lower

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The Triune God, Supernatural Heaven, Souls, Hell, and Demons, Do They Exist?

Rev. Robert Barron was chagrined, but not entirely surprised when he read Woody Allen’s ruminations on ultimate things. To state it bluntly, said Rev. Barron, Woody could not be any bleaker in regard to the issue of meaning in the universe. We live, he said, “… in a godless and purposeless world. The earth came

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