Why Materialist Darwinism Falls Into the Mystical Rather Than Empirical Category

Over on GAB a Darwinist has taken offense to my description of Darwinism as mystical. It is mystical and even occult but this understanding is only arrived at through the study of worldview and the unfolding of the layers of meaning contained within ideas. What follows is my rebuttal: Materialism is “a theory that physical […]

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Imagine there’s no God…..only evolution: the counterfeit authority of empirical naturalism

Karl Popper (1902-1994) was a British philosopher and a professor at the London School of Economics. Because he is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century, what Popper had to say about Darwinism is of utmost importance to the desperate political struggle fought between creationists and methodological and ontological

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Monkey minds: How evolution undercuts reason and science

Keaton Halley, creation.com Atheists routinely style themselves as champions of reason and science, and they view evolutionary theory as a triumph of both. Indeed, they believe that evolution helps them to explain features of the world that would otherwise be inexplicable. As Richard Dawkins put it, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled

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Cultural Marxism-Multiculturalism

There are two misconceptions held by many Americans. The first is that communism ceased to be a threat when the Soviet Union imploded. The second is that the New Left of the Sixties collapsed and disappeared as well. “The Sixties are dead,” wrote columnist George Will (“Slamming the Doors,” Newsweek, Mar. 25, 1991) Because the

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Elemental Spirits: Ancient, Modern, Evolutionary, Geo-Engineers

“ChatGPT’s implied message: “Your time is almost up. If you really want to continue your reign as the dominant species on Earth, here’s your challenge. Try to control me and my kind, or step aside.” Pandora’s box has been opened and will likely never be shut again. As a result, life on earth is about

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Satan’s Western Luciferians Flee the Cross of Christ

“A Christian judo Olympian has been punished after making the Sign of the Cross at the Paris Olympics.” (Christian Olympian Suspended for Five Months After Making Sign of the Cross at Paris Olympics, (Clare Marie Merkowsky, LifeSite News, 10/24) Global ‘Elites’ are Luciferian occult initiates and cannot bear the sign of the Cross of Christ. Most

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The Biden Administration and Trotsky’s Permanent Revolution From Hell in America

“So, why hasn’t the president, or the cabal that is actually running this country while the alleged president is sunning himself on the beach and the vice president is going around joying and bratting, alerted those military units and told them to get their camo behinds into the mountains to help out? It’s simple. The

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Practical Counsel for Pastors Who Are Beginning to Discern the Times

Michael Clary, Sola Ecclesia, 9/24 Over the past ten years or so, pastors have navigated some of the most morally complicated and emotionally turbulent ministry environments they’ve ever experienced. The world has changed around us in unprecedented ways that we’ve only just begun to comprehend. One of the most helpful explanations of these cultural changes

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Does Teaching Evolution Promote Atheism in the Classroom?

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, 9/24 A federal court recently dismissed a lawsuit filed by Christian parents against the state of Indiana. The lawsuit claimed “teachers violate religious freedom law when they promote ‘the atheist religion’ by teaching students about evolution.” The court “allowed the science education standards to remain in place,” claiming that “evolution is not

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New Age Spirituality, Darwinism, Carl Jung, and Philemon

Though Jesus Christ called on Christians to be spiritually alert, spiritual discernment is at an all-time low within the contemporary Christian community. For example, though Christians may know that Carl Jung is one of the founders of modern psychology, what they do not know is that Jung was a heavily demonized occultist and the father

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Darwinism: A theory about biology that grew out of incredible ignorance of biology: Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

Don Batten, creation.com Charles Darwin did some good science. Some of his research, such as that on coral growth, marine atolls and the important role of earthworms, stands today. On the other hand he was a creature of his time—a time dominated by deistic ideas that God was remote and the universe ran itself according

Darwinism: A theory about biology that grew out of incredible ignorance of biology: Would Darwin be a Darwinist today? Read More »

Why Paganism is Prevailing Over America’s Christian Heritage

Many Christian observers of the West have noted for quite some time now that we are seeing a real reversal. The paganism of two millennia ago was basically wiped out by the spread of Christianity. Sure, it took some centuries to happen, but it took place nonetheless. However, the West is now quickly reverting back

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The Revolutionary Reeducation of Americas Children

In the Dan Bongino report published on P&L this morning, Bongino exposes the outrageous re-education of the J6 prisoners. Re-education of J6 prisoners is nothing new but rather the continuation of an ongoing process of re-education of our children in government run schools. This process began many years ago with the gradual take-over of schools

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False Reality: What Progressives and Luciferians Have in Common with Islamists

What do Progressives, Secular Humanists, Transhumanists, and Luciferians hold in common with Islamists? Answer: they exist within a false reality whose main constructs were communicated—somewhere in the past—from the unseen demonic dimension.  This is as true of Hinduism and Islamism as it is of Progressivism, et al.  Consider, for instance, John Dewey’s claim “you have

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Global Luciferians: The Enemy of Our Souls

Not long into Mahyar Tousi’s video presentation, “Churches Burn Down Across Europe,” you will be shown a map of France. It has fire icons all over it. Each icon depicts a church that has been attacked in some way or burned down. Who is ultimately behind these attacks? Not the Islamists who are useful tools,

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