False Reality

Techno Religion and Evolution

Techno Religion and Evolution Underlying Techno religion, the belief that Artificial Intelligence is showing signs of evolving into ‘god’, the belief that machines will be able to answer our deepest questions, and the quest to robotize mankind is evolution, the unseen energy that from ancient times was worshipped as serpent power and in India is […]

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Techno-Religion Will Snare the Unbeliever: They will seek salvation in silicon and lines of code

Joe Allen, 2/17/25 As humanity descends into digital madness, the air crackles with strange prophecies. We’re told “godlike” artificial intelligence will soon arrive. Techno-cultists assure us AI will solve the world’s problems, such as writer’s block and climate change. AI may even calculate the meaning of the universe. These Silicon Valley sects are like UFO

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California Government App Advises Teens To Drop Christianity And Embrace The Occult

Alex Newman, Harbingers Daily, 2/3/25 An official “mental health” app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear. But critics are sounding the alarm. Under the guise of helping California

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Making Sense of Insanity: Transgendering Children, Monkey’s, Rats, and Other Creatures

The worldview of the cult of Global Luciferian pedophiles and their Deep State counterparts sees Jehovah, the personal God of creation as the cause of all suffering, death, and other evils. The world He created is bad and was not meant to exist since He is not the true god but an evil demiurge. In

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How CS Lewis Predicted the Metaverse and Called it Hell

The 20th Century Prophet Gave a Chilling Warning Lewis Ungit, 1/25/25 In the conclusion to his prophetic 1945 novel, That Hideous Strength, C.S. Lewis portrays an initiation ritual into a shadowy global cabal whose members function as the antagonists in the story. The initiate, Mark Studdock, is brought into a room and left alone. The narrative

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Why Silicon Valley Emperors Can’t Think Straight

Open borders and Woke policies have allowed Chinese of ill-will, murderers, Jihadists, rapists, gangs, and other bad actors to come unhindered into our homeland. While SA gangs have been taking over communities out West militant Islamists are raising their flag over Dearborn. Their eyes of conquest are looking toward other vulnerable American communities to conquer.

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