
The Devil and Why Liberals and the Democratic Party Actively Promote Evil

in Evan Sayets’ book “The Kindergarden of Eden,” he said, “If they weren’t so dangerous and destructive, one could smile and pat the Modern Liberal on the head and tell him how cute he is and go on about the business of being an adult. But he is dangerous and destructive, with the True Believer’s

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This Overlooked Teaching From Jesus SHREDS Evolution to Pieces

Answers in Genesis, 3/25 This overlooked teaching from Jesus SHREDS evolution to pieces… In this video, Calvin Smith breaks down the parable Jesus shared about fishers of men, as well as other passages that highlight the dangers of evolutionary ideas. Watch

This Overlooked Teaching From Jesus SHREDS Evolution to Pieces Read More »

JD Vance and the Crisis of the West

The WeeFlea com, 2/25/25 I have a confession to make. I actually like listening to political speeches — at least the good ones. But in recent years the quality of political speeches has rapidly declined; I can remember speeches by Tony Benn, Alex Salmond, Michael Gove, Margaret Thatcher, Michael Foot, Ronald Regan, George Galloway, Dennis

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The White House: We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, That All Men are Created Equal and Endowed with Inalienable Rights

As one of his important MAGA goals, the Trump administration wants to return the power of Constitutional inalienable rights to ‘we the people.’ But throughout the West and America, great numbers of people believe they are products of an unseen energy known as evolution. It is because of their acceptance of Darwinism that Americans have

The White House: We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, That All Men are Created Equal and Endowed with Inalienable Rights Read More »

Elon Musk’s Warning: Death Cult Intends to Destroy America, the West, and World

The dark dream of destroying the world and building a utopia on the ashes and blood of the hated old order was the dream of Karl Marx, who hated Jesus Christ with a vengeance. Like many of his death cult comrades, Marx was demonized, meaning his mind was in bondage to demons, making his dream

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The Jellyfish UAP and the Materialist Worldview Collide

Within the reigning evolutionary materialist worldview of NWO builders (Globalists and America’s Deep State) God, angels, demons, human souls, and everything unseen such as heaven, hell, and dreams, must be explained away. Either they do not exist or are hallucinations, movement of nerves, or something else that can be explainable to the senses. Think of

The Jellyfish UAP and the Materialist Worldview Collide Read More »

How the Concept of Evolution Has Warped and Negated the Meaning and Intent of Our Constitution

“over the past 130 years there have been numerous flawed Supreme Court rulings that distorted the clear meaning of the Constitution – and have greatly harmed society. Most of us are barely aware of these rulings – while their ill effects continue. Here is the alarming truth about too many Supreme Court cases over the years:

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President Trump Stuns America With an Explosive CPAC Speech: The fraudsters, liars, cheaters, globalists, and Deep state bureaucrats are being sent packing

MAGA Voice President Trump stuns America by attending CPAC with a explosive opening speech “The fraudsters, liars, cheaters, globalists, and Deep state bureaucrats are being sent packing” WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED Watch

President Trump Stuns America With an Explosive CPAC Speech: The fraudsters, liars, cheaters, globalists, and Deep state bureaucrats are being sent packing Read More »

Video: Indescribable | Pastor Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio, Apr. 2021 Born out of the song INDESCRIBABLE, written by Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio, this talk was first delivered on the Indescribable Tour in October 2005. Since then it has become one of the most widely-shared talks in modern Christian culture, reaching more than 1 million views & downloads. SUMMARY The heavens

Video: Indescribable | Pastor Louie Giglio Read More »