Clear Truth Media, John Rosemond, 3/21/25
“Your house isn’t an emotionally safe place, so if you want to see your grandchildren, you can come to our house, where we can supervise.”
“Our therapist says you’re obviously emotionally toxic, which isn’t entirely your fault, but you need to go into therapy and show us that you’re coming to grips with your contamination before we can have a relationship.”
“You don’t understand or respect the need for boundaries, which is why we must have a period of no-contact, during which you need to go into therapy and work out your boundaries issues.”
That’s a representative sampling of the poisonous postmodern narrative that’s coming to define Generations X and Y—those individuals born between 1965 and 1995. The babble, translated, means “You [the parents, usually Baby Boomers] are emotionally defective people who desperately need to seek self-understanding and emotional rehabilitation from therapists.”
It’s a soap opera, really—one that, like all personal soap operas, gives existential meaning to the lives of the X’s and Y’s in question. The narrative is usually installed into an X or Y by a mental health professional. The narrative is more proof of what I’ve been saying for years: to wit, my profession, psychology, causes more problems than it solves, if it actually solves any.
In the 1960s, my profession decided it was their holy calling to destroy the traditional American family, the bulwark of the most successful (any way one looks at it) nation-state in history. Make no mistake, my profession is not in the business of advancing mental health. It is in the business of advancing Marxism.
Marxism is the cornerstone of the mental health professions. Psychology pretends to science, but it is nothing more than a philosophy of human nature, one that thoroughly contradicts a biblical understanding of what makes humans tick.
Marxism/socialism is inherently atheist. A recent study found that university psychology departments are inhabited by more atheists—graduate students and faculty—than any other academic discipline. I have been a psychologist by license since 1978. I can count on one hand, with fewer than five fingers, the number of psychologists I’ve met since then who are believers in the Lordship of Christ Jesus.
Karl Marx believed that a culture would not fully embrace socialism/communism until its traditional family had been destroyed. In the 1960s, the mental health professions determined to move that destruction along by, first, throwing a stick of progressive dynamite into American childrearing. They demonized parent authority as inherently abusive and proposed that parents treat children as equals. The absurd notion that parent and child are on a level playing field is socialist. Today, that absurd notion masquerades as a Frankenmethodology called “gentle parenting.”
Because American adults have every reason to believe that people with capital letters after their names know what they’re talking about, a socialist model of the family has been the dominant model for fifty-odd years. Thus, the typical American family is a socialist dystopia run by emotional tyrants of various ages who are in complete control of slavish attendants who pay all the bills.
The next step in the mental health industry’s diabolical plan, undertaken in the 1980s, was to set adult child against parent by installing false memories of childhood sexual abuse in women (and some men), thus driving a virtually irreparable wedge between generations.
Step three is upon us. It involves therapists convincing Gen X and Y parents to cancel grandparents out of their grandchildren’s lives by manufacturing evidence out of the thinnest of air that the grands’ homes are not “emotionally safe spaces.” All this has been orchestrated by my profession, psychology, mind you, under the guise of protecting the young and defenseless against forces of evil that masquerade as love while intending to suck the joy out of their lives, or some such hogwash.
I have lost count of the number of parents, fifty and older, who have sought my counsel over the last twenty or so years because their adult children have fingered them as the villains in this pathological narrative. Every soap opera needs a villain. In this case, the narrative was created for the purpose of casting grandparents as toxic people who should be shunned until they accept their inherent psychological defects and atone for them by going into therapy with toxic people. Marx died in 1882, but his spirit haunts these postmodern times.
The narrative is a form of madness in which the parents are damned if they defend themselves and damned if they don’t. Any defense is regarded as evidence they are “in denial” concerning their emotional malignancy. If they choose not to defend themselves, that is evidence they “don’t want to deal honestly with or accept any accountability for their failure to provide emotionally safe spaces for their children and grandchildren.” If this narrative is to be believed, the grandparents in question are very sick people who, if allowed contact with the grandchildren, will transfer the corruption to them.
One set of grandparents whom I’m currently supporting are not allowed to see a 2-year-old grandchild because the grandmother allowed the child into the bathroom with her. The child is undoubtedly damaged for life at seeing grandma on the toilet. Grandma will not prostrate herself in front of her children and admit to her pathologies; therefore, until she confesses her sins to her children’s therapist, she is not allowed to be a grandmother.
Another set of grands cannot see their grandchlldren until they admit to their emotional toxicity, which they inadvertently revealed when they called off a 21-year-old child’s birthday party because she provided alcohol to the underage daughter of a friend.
Every one of these cancelled grandparents uses the same language. “We are emotionally toxic people who have created an unsafe emotional space and respect no emotional boundaries. Our denial of wrongdoing is proof that we are incapable of evolving emotionally. We’ve been told that we must show evidence of being in therapy before reconciliation will be considered.”
Postmodernity is that time in history in which we now live during which the subjective (feeling) rules and the objective (fact) is debatable—another feature of a Marxist worldview. As I type, transgenderism—where the FEELING that one is actually of opposite gender is regarded as truth—is postmodernity’s most prominent feature du jour. That will change, and the next iteration will be even more insane.
Mark my words. The snowball my profession kicked downhill fifty-something years ago has just become an avalanche.
What the psychologists described herein are practicing is the favorite tactic of Leftists called “gaslighting”. Gaslighting is leading people to believe that they’re guilty of committing some wrong when in reality, they’re not. It induces a false guilt which then changes behavior.
These atheist psychologists are actually practicing marxist social justice which is expressed as DEI. They’re using it to break down the existing Christian-derived moral norms of American culture.
If these atheist psychologists are aware that they’re attacking what’s normative, then they’re practicing covert cultural marxism. If they’re not aware, then they’re just silly dupes and useful idiots.
BTW, gaslighting is precisely what the atheist marxist leftists have been doing in calling Americans “racists”, “Nazis”, “fascists”, etc. Only one country, Germany in WWII, was that way and the USA fought them and the Axis powers. Even Japan was supremacist.
After that, the Communist Soviet Union became the supremacists, which started the Cold War.
Today’s Commies are still at war with the US, using their gaslighting tactic to tear down the USA.
Isn’t it curious that they never accuse Americans of being Commie Marxists? That tells us that they’re the ones who are the Commie Marxists, or maybe just Commies like China is.
I may be wrong but I think I read that China disowned Marx and may not be anti-family.