Here in Newlands declaration, we can clearly see the demonic reversal of reality where evil is good, lie is truth, slavery is liberty, death is life, and the victims of predatory globalists are the predators. While the USA has thrown off much of the demonic inversion (it remains within the minds of Deepstate, Woke, mainstream media), for Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and W Europe it remains the operative assumptions. @Linda
Sundance, The Last Refuge, 2/26/25
Canada’s top-four Moonbats held a debate to decide which of the leaders of the Snow Mexicans will take control of the party now that Justin Trudeau is leaving. Chryistia “take your bank account” Freeland is the top contender.
For the Snow Mexicans, the #1 priority is fighting U.S President Donald Trump. No other issue had anywhere near the level of importance or time during the debate. Every facet of the leadership debate centers around how to confront, attack, and “outwit” President Trump. [Full Debate Here]
When you listen to four professional Canadian leftists explain how they will control the Canadian government and what their plans are for the future, you realize just how lost the nation of Canada has become. To wit, hearing Chrystia Freeland explain how she will bring together a nuclear armed international alliance to fight President Trump, is really something special.
“The US is turning predator, and so what Canada needs to do is work closely with our democratic allies, our military allies. I would start with our Nordic partners, specifically Denmark who is also being threatened, and our NATO European allies. I would be sure that France and Britian were there who possess NUCLEAR WEAPONS and I will be working urgently with these partners to build a closer security relationship that guarantees our security in a time when United States can be a threat.”
Yep, this is the typical Leftist kook reaction which sees everything that the anti-Left Trump says and does as a threat.
A non-Leftist would know that Trump won’t invade anybody; he’ll just wheel and deal. By offering non-leftist Canadians a chance to become a US state, he’s offering them an opportunity to rid themselves of their present oppressive Leftist leadership with their Globalist police state tactics, like this Chrysta Freeland is, and to breathe freely at last.
It’s still their choice: whether to vote for more oppressive Leftist anti-Americans like Freeland or for a conservative pro-freedom pro-American pro-Trump candidate who respects their God-given rights. That candidate could then consider Trump’s offer of statehood.
It would all be aboveboard, if the Globalist Left doesn’t disrupt it with their unscrupulous tactics.
Who’s financing all these Leftists anyway – Soros?
“Who’s financing all these Leftists anyway – Soros?”
Seeing as they’re self-centered, self-entitled, parasites they doubtless feed themselves and Soros at taxpayer expense. Isn’t that what USAID is really for? Yes.
If USAID was their sole source of clandestine income, then I’d say they’re fresh out of luck. But if they have other US sources, then we’d need to discover and halt them, like the DOGE has been handily doing.
I can’t comment any further on that since I don’t have knowlege of Canadian affairs.