1 thought on “BREAKING: Islamists Take Over New York Streets (Video)”

  1. I’d say there’s no hope of ever living in peace with Mohammedans when they respect only other Mohammedans. All others are their sub-human infidels.
    They’re not willing to observe our American laws, only their own foreign Sharia ones. They’re not going to assimilate and become Americans, they’re going to be fascists like they’ve always been and subvert our way of life, even to terrorism.
    All they respect is the threat of force, not our words.
    They are an existential threat to Americans and even to Western civilization which must be dealt with by force for being the hostiles they are.
    Mohammedans cannot live in peace amongst us, only among their own, so they must be deported to a destination of their choice. And cease their immigration here.
    Sorry we can’t get along.

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