Bill Gates, WEF Sins of Presumption

A patent granted to Bill Gates– the self-appointed world health czar—awarded him the “exclusive rights,”

“…to computerize human bodies and use them as local wireless networks. The human body is a vibrating, throbbing, pulsing gateway of tubes and tunnels, filled with electrolytes and all capable of transmitting information, the lifeblood of the internet and the 21st century. Now it has emerged that Gates’ Microsoft was granted “exclusive rights” to this ability of the body to act as a computer network.” (Bill Gates Patent Gives Him Exclusive To Computerize Humans, Principia Scientific International)

An unspoken presumption of ownership–of human beings and their genetic matter–underlies Gates patent and animates both Gates and the awarders of the patent.   But then Gates and his Global WEF comrades presume to own the cosmos, the earth, and all of the genetic matter of human and animal life.   Because they presume ownership they assume a right to experiment upon humans as they see fit.

Gates and his Global cohort are not the creators and owners, hence possess no rights…only those of their sin of presumption.

So Who is the Creator and Owner?

By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.”  Psalm 33:6

The word of the Lord is synonymous with the breath of his mouth.  Together they represent ‘and God said‘ (Gen. 1:3), Jesus Christ the Second Person of the Trinity( John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2, 10).   

Everything of heaven and earth were created by His Word and “by the breath of God’s mouth” He made humans living souls.

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.” – Psalm 24:12

God the Word is the Speaker, Creator, and Life Giver of the heavens, the earth and all life and conscious in them.  He is the only rights holder to all of it…including our bodies, minds, living souls. Every breath of life we take is from Him. 

We belong to Him and whatever we have is His. We are the managers of whatever He has entrusted us with.  Even when we had become slaves to sin, he redeemed us, paying with his Son’s life. We are doubly owned.

Bill Gates and his Global cohort are committing sins of presumption against man’s creaturehood, their own and of those they presume to own. Man is not an independent being. He cannot provide himself with the breath of life or keep alive his own soul. He has nothing of his own, thus has no right to presume. 

Gates and the Global WEF sins of presumption are committed in direct contradiction to what they know is true. They know it is wrong to presume to own the earth and other living souls and use them for their purposes, yet  that knowledge does not prevent them from deliberately moving forward in their sin because like all humans, they have sin natures. Thus their sins of presumption can only be committed by suppressing their God created conscience in spite of its appeals. 

Those who sin presumptuously say, in effect, “I’m going to do this, I don’t care if it’s wrong; and nothing, not even God, is going to stop me” 

Presumptuous sins are a grave offense:

“…the person who does anything with a high hand… reviles the Lord, and that person shall be cut off from among his people.  Because he has despised the word of the Lord and has broken his commandment, that person shall be utterly cut off; his iniquity shall be on him.” Numbers 15:30-31


2 thoughts on “Bill Gates, WEF Sins of Presumption”

  1. This is the inevitable result of man’s will acting separately from God’s Good Will, the result of which is always evil – acting without God’s Good Will, without morals and without conscience. It always results in man’s inhumanity to man.
    It becomes more apparent among those who achieve great power and who seek to assert their own characterless and moral-less wills over all other’s wills which are of no importance to them.
    Power is their only consideration and objective at that point. At that point, they are rendering service to Satan who encourages them to “do what thou wilt” (never mind what God Wills).

  2. BTW, “Do what thou wilt” is a direct quote from Anton LeVey (sp?) to his followers when he was the leader of a Devil-worshipping cult, and perhaps still is.

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