Beneath Sheep’s Clothing: Journey Through Soviet Union and Modern America to See Pattern of Communist Takeover

In “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing”, join us on a riveting journey through Soviet history and modern America to understand the pattern of a communist takeover of culture. Witness firsthand accounts of historical Soviet tactics to overtake education and religion. Observe the compelling evidence that similar tactics have been at play with our schools and churches here in America – some for over a century! If our culture-making institutions here in America, the West in general, and globally are subverted to Marxist ideologies, what comes next? 

Today we stand at the precipice of history. Will we awaken and safeguard our nations and world from the grip of communist and globalist tyranny enacted in the name of such things as liberating the underprivileged and sustainable development? Or will we stand by while the freedom our forebears fought and died for slips between our fingers? Will we hand our children freedom or enslavement? 

The choice is ours, but time is of the essence!

“This is a documentary that EVERYONE MUST see.   We are at the threshold of Destruction.   The wolves are at the door dressed as sheep.   DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR. You want to understand what is happening … watch this.” 

– Glenn Beck

“Everyone must see this powerful film.  It will open your eyes!” 

– Charlie Kirk, Turning Point USA

“This movie could save the Republic!” 

– Pastor Rob McCoy, TPUSA Faith

“Holy cow!.  That movie is amazing.  Eye-opening.  Jarring.  Very necessary.  It says true but unsettling things that need to be said! It explains complex, historical issues in a concise but thorough way—all without it feeling laborious or the least bit boring.” 

– U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)

“Beneath Sheep’s Clothing is one of the most important films of our lifetime.” 

– Jason Preston, We ARE the People podcast

“Blown away by this documentary. A lot I was already aware of, but wow does this condense a very difficult subject into an easily digestible explanation of the technocratic totalitarianism on our horizon.” 

– @liberty_kevlar on X

“I just watched Beneath Sheep’s Clothing from beginning to end. In my opinion, this may be the most important documentary of the last several decades. It clearly and logically explains current events more effectively and accurately than I have seen from any other source. Now I’m face to face with the challenge of spreading this Truth. Thank you for your great efforts, courage, and sacrifice in creating such an important tool.” 

– Michael Armatage

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