Artificial Intelligence, Powers, and Demons

Artificial Intelligence, Powers, and Demons

A while ago, I created a profile picture using AI art for my X account. I wanted a cartoonish version of myself writing in a library. The result came back, looked good, and so I posted it. Then someone DM’d me asking, “what is that thing in the window behind you?” I had not noticed it but in the window behind me was a shadowy figure. It looked like a demon. Strange. Unsettling. Why did AI do that? …It is like so much of AI art. It looks right at first. But something is off. Something is creepy. People have six fingers. An extra arm. Too many teeth. So much of A.I. art has this dark feel.” (How CS Lewis Predicted the Metaverse and Called it Hell, Lewis Ungit)

A.I. has become known for doing and saying creepy things all on its own as if it has a ‘life’ of its own:

ChatGPT’s implied message: “Your time is almost up. If you really want to continue your reign as the dominant species on Earth, here’s your challenge. Try to control me and my kind, or step aside.” Pandora’s box has been opened and will likely never be shut again. As a result, life on earth is about to change.” (ChatGPT is Coming For the World, Technocracy News Editor)

Paul warned against becoming slaves of elemental spirits. And with good reason since when God created them he gave them powers over fire, wind, water, and physical matter. They were meant to use their powers in service to God, but when some of them rebelled they began to abuse their powers for evil purposes.

Because of their extraordinary powers they can pass right through the earth, enter into animals and speak and act through them as easily as through water, trees, statues, and possessed humans such as Indian gurus, Nietzsche, and Karl Marx.

As Artificial Intelligence poses no barrier in any way to demons and evil Powers they will be speaking through it, making themselves appear in Lewis Ungits’ AI pic, and bringing the unbelieving world to its knees in no time.
