America’s Forces of Darkness: Christians Are the Enemy

WND Newsletter: David Kupelian on the Forces of Darkness Currently Destroying Our Nation

In case you haven’t heard, public schools in the United States of America are now opening up after-school Satan Clubs. Yes, you read that right. At the same time, Joe Biden recently condemned any effort to stop the horrendous transgender surgeries mutilating America’s children as “close to sinful.” Meanwhile, a Minnesota lawmaker is complaining that “white Christians” who lovingly adopt needy Native American children are guilty of “genocide.” And even Rev. Franklin Graham now says he personally is taking steps to avoid being “cancelled” by the U.S. banking system!

It’s hard to miss the underlying theme in these and so many of today’s news headlines, especially in light of Franklin Graham’s comment that “[t]he world is deteriorating so quickly. It seems like every demon in hell has been turned loose.”

As a Christian journalism organization, WND reports daily on the openly demonic agenda of the “Biden administration”: The orgy of grooming and recruiting America’s innocent children into the ultra-dark transgender world. The ruinous inflation stealing Americans’ wealth and destroying the nation’s economy. The intentional destruction of our fossil fuel industries. The purposely engineered, full-scale foreign invasion of America across our southern border. The perverse promotion of violent crime. The weaponization of the FBI to harass, arrest, incarcerate and destroy “Trump supporters.” And so on.

But get this. Alongside all this unfolding degradation and rapid-fire societal destruction, something else remarkable is happening: The very same political, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for today’s unprecedented chaos in America have FINALLY dared to “come out” and publicly identify exactly WHO they consider to be their biggest enemy.


That’s right, Christians are the enemy. That is the not-so-hidden subtext to so many of today’s news headlines, trends and outrages.

For years they’ve beat around the bush, condemning conservative Christians with epithets ranging from “white supremacists” and “American Taliban” to “the unvaccinated” and some weird thing called “QAnon.” Some of their attacks have been staggeringly stupid – like branding parents as “domestic terrorists” for standing up and complaining at school board meetings about teachers brainwashing their precious 6-year-olds with Marxist critical race theory.

It seems that somehow every decent, patriotic, traditionally minded American these days is demonized as a “violent extremist” for one reason or another.

And now we know why.

Finally, the ruling elites have grown sufficiently brazen to openly identify the one group they consider to be the TRUE AND ULTIMATE enemy of America: Sincere biblical Christians.

* “It’s becoming increasingly clear that the United States is under siege by Christian fundamentalists and traditionalists!” warns MSNBC’s Ja’han Jones.

* “Christian Nationalism Is The ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to America’s Religious Freedom,” announces the Center for American Progress.

* “If Christian Nationalism isn’t essentially domestic terrorism, then I don’t know what is,” opines Cari Marshall of the Texas Democracy Foundation, who goes on to explain the methods of all those supposedly violent Christian extremists: “They simultaneously weaponize the Bible and the Constitution to justify their wanton disregard for the views and safety of others and their insatiable lust for weapons and violence.”

Allow me to translate.

What’s REALLY happening is the ruling elite’s fear and loathing of Christianity – the faith that once made America the most blessed, prosperous, free, decent, generous, powerful and respected nation in all of history – the once-widespread belief that the Ten Commandments and Christ’s Sermon on the Mount provide the perfect basis for a good, moral life and a strong, healthy society – that hatred is now boiling over.

Please understand: To the hard Left, Christians ARE racists … and Nazis, and “domestic terrorists.” (Or as Biden called conservative Christians during one recent speech, “semi-fascists.”) But in reality – if we dive deep down to the bottom of this phenomenon – what’s actually going on is that the Left has always been at war with Almighty God and His laws and His ways. They are in perpetual rebellion against the Creator of the Universe, because Marxism/communism – by definition – amounts to hatred and rejection of God so that human “saviors” can create paradise on earth. With them in charge, of course. That, in turn, always ends up being hell on earth, with the 20th century the bloodiest in all of human history, thanks to the very types of God-hating utopian sociopaths who, right now, are maniacally obsessed with ruling America.

Today’s finally-out-in-the-open hatred of Christianity and Christians explains a lot – including the unprecedented censorship, vilification, demonization and cancellation of genuinely conservative, Christian voices. Which of course includes the ceaseless attacks on WND, America’s original independent online Christian journalism organization, now in its 27th consecutive year of nonstop 24/7 operation.

3 thoughts on “America’s Forces of Darkness: Christians Are the Enemy”

  1. If Cari Marshall could be a bigger liar, I don’t see how. Everything good that’s come about because of a Christian USA is called evil. It takes a self-righteously evil prig to make patently false accusations like that. This Cari Marshall could easily be a Chi-Com agent waging a propaganda war against the USA’s freedom of religion. She? gets two thumbs down.
    The same goes for all the other anti-Christians snobs.

    1. The ‘Carl Marshall’s’ appear to be blind to the fact that they’re on the fast track to hell.

      1. Yes, the Gates of Hell have all but clanged shut behind them. And they will never reopen.

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