American Psycho: The Hatred for Women That Lurks in Gay and Trans Culture

By MARK JUDGE, The Stream, Mar 30, 2023

In 2018, the videographer Monica Rodman published a remarkable article in The Advocate, a gay magazine. Rodman recalled being verbally abused while working on the set of a film. The director of the film, a gay man named George, was “acting unnecessarily hostile toward women, and women only. He treated the men on set as his equals and the women as subsidiaries.”

Rodman had brought up the hate that dare not speak its name: the hatred too many gay men have for women. That enmity has been noted by cultural observers going back at least as far as the gay writer Gore Vidal. It also fuels the modern trans and drag show movements.

The main reason’s obvious: to gay men, women are competition. Gore Vidal wrote about this back in the 1950s. To a gay man, the ideal mate is strong, handsome, athletic, loaded with testosterone, muscular and brave … not effeminate. In short, an idealized straight man. As Vidal saw it, this accounted for a lot of the unhappiness in the male gay community. Their goal is always out of reach.

Check Your Genital Preference, Pal

It seems that in the last few years this dissatisfaction has hardened into cold rage. Transgender activists talk about the problem of “genital preference” because straight people don’t want to date them. Any hint that transgenderism might not be normal is met with violence, most tragically at the recent shooting which took the lives of three children at the Covenant Christian elementary school in Nashville.

There is a direct line between the misogyny Gore Vidal described decades ago and the shooting in Nashville. Where women were once competition for gay men, now it is insisted that gender itself does not exist. As America’s moral foundations crumbled, the demand for celebration of the perverse has become more shrill and violent. Still, amidst all the new confusion, the old misogyny rules.

Facing the truth is always difficult. Women are amazing, miraculous beings. When faced with that much awesomeness, some people just retreat into resentment. Women are phenomenal not just in their beauty, but the way they talk, analyze problems with an insight often lacking in men, and often show twice the toughness, courage and perseverance of tough guys.

As H.L. Mencken once put it, women are “the only grand hazard a man will truly encounter.” They are “more dangerous than Cape Hatteras,” which has been trapping and demolishing sailors for centuries. Mencken concluded that to avoid women “on the basis that the game has hazards,” is an act of cowardice by “a puling and tacky fellow.”

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American Psycho: The Hatred for Women That Lurks in Gay and Trans Culture

3 thoughts on “American Psycho: The Hatred for Women That Lurks in Gay and Trans Culture”

  1. In my personal experience, the gay men I’ve known liked women – they just weren’t physically attracted to them. In contrast, most of the lesbians I’ve known didn’t care for men at all and a few had truly awful experiences with men that could have impacted their desire to look elsewhere for intimacy.

  2. The core of hatred of women comes from feminists. The one thing they don’t care about is other women.

  3. if its “hatred of women” why do those males all want to be women? lol another silly conclusion.

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