All This Evil Has Happened Because America and the West Have Forgotten God

In response to “Living in the Third World” : Armed Venezuelan Gang Members Roam Colorado Apartment Building (ZeroHedge, 9/24), Gab member Irish in UK said:

This is coming to every western nation globally very soon and we will not be allowed by our woke leftist globalist supporting governments to say or do a thing about it lest we all get jailed and murdered in jail, because our very existence has become a criminal offense—given the situation in my native Ireland, it will collapse into a bloodbath far sooner than here in the U.K.—I don’t see any way that it can be avoided unless there is much needed and long overdue intervention from previously unexpected sources against our captured governments worldwide—I have very little gif any hope that any of us and our children and future generations can escape what is coming, as there is nowhere in the world left for us to flee to.”

In the annals of mankind’s long suffering history, the world’s dehumanizing evolutionary pagan civilizations were scenes of great suffering for the masses of humanity deemed fit for nothing more than slavery as they were viewed as subhumans. Only the god-kings, their priests, courts, and privileged citizens were human. The rest were nothing but expendable slaves.

However, Western and American civilization were radically unique because founded on Biblical presuppositions rather than on the evolutionary pagan and pantheist materialism of the totalitarian (collectivist) forces, that having returned in our own time, are destroying the West and America.  

In our time satanic evolutionary materialism of both pagan and mystical pantheist persuasion have returned wearing the guise of science and enlightenment.  Already, vast numbers of Americans and Westerners have accepted the dehumanizing Darwinian proposition that tells them they are products of chance, time, energy, and matter. If this is true then Americans and Westerners are not people but subhumans at best.

As early as 1926, President Calvin Coolidge was aware of and deeply concerned by the insidious spread of so-called ‘scientific’ materialism in America. As he knew, Americans (and all Westerners) are free only because of the Christian foundation laid by the country’s founders.

In a speech he delivered in Philadelphia, July 5, 1926 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Coolidge tried to call American’s back to their Christian heritage. He told Americans that the Declaration’s principles of liberty arise from man’s God-given inalienable rights. And these are found, said Coolidge, “in the texts, the sermons, and the writings of the early colonial clergy…” The clergy preached equality “because they believed in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.” Sanctity of life, the right to self-defense, and all the rest of our individual liberties were justified “by the text that we are all created in the divine image, all partakers of the divine spirit.” God’s children therefore, have no “superiors;” there are no modern-day “divine rights kings” who possess “any right to rule…over them.” Americans are free to choose their own leaders.

The Declaration, continued Coolidge, is “a great spiritual document.” Its principles are not material but spiritual. “Equality, liberty, popular sovereigntythe rights of man—these are not elements we can see and touch. They are ideals(whose) source and roots (are) in religious convictions. They belong to the unseen world.”

President Coolidge cautioned Americans that, “unless the faith of the Americans in these religious convictions is to endure, the principles of our Declaration will perish. We cannot continue to enjoy the result if we abandon the cause.”

Coolidge ended his speech with a stark warning, “We must not sink into a pagan materialism” (Back Fired, William Federer, pp. 269-271)

When the forces of Marxist pagan materialism forcibly seized Orthodox Russia, they unleashed catastrophic crimes against humanity, including attempts at killing the souls of Christians in Pitesti Prison, Romania. As Russians were brutally slaughtered, their blood soaked into the land, crying out for justice.

Solzhenitsyn later observed that all of this happened because Russians had forgotten God.

Russia passed through a crucible of fire and blood that witnessed the death of more than 60,000.000 million Russians (half of them Christian) and most of the demonic totalitarians who committed suicide, murdered each other, and died in other ways.

Orthodox Russia died, but so did the Soviet Union, which finally collapsed into itself as it was nothing more than a dead man walking However, a new day dawned when out of the ashes arose a federation of states. A healthy society has been rebuilt and the Orthodox faith is once more flourishing.

Only the Lord our God knows if the USA and the rest of the West are slated to follow after Russia into the crucible.  But if we must we  need to be strong in our faith, place our hope in the Lord Jesus, and enter the crucible with the Lord’s Prayer on our lips.   For all who are saved, said CS Lewis, our best, most joyful lives are before us, not behind us.


1 thought on “All This Evil Has Happened Because America and the West Have Forgotten God”

  1. Thank you very much Linda. This brings much needed light to previously dimly lit areas,
    namely, that Christianity is truly a religion of peace because it follows the Prince of Peace. It’s always been about the salvation and brotherhood of man which follows it.
    But Christianity is always being warred against by those who know nothing about peace, only about securing their own ill-begotten evil ends by any means necessary, as they call it. They use great guile to accomplish that, brushing aside Truth and Justice and self-righteously making a mockery of it, calling good evil and evil good.
    The powers and principalties of this world are indeed formidable in their quest to conquer all.
    But our King is greater than their king, as they’ll find out, no matter how greatly they struggle against Him. Christ it is Who truly brings peace – His Peace, not as the world gives it.
    We will know them by what they do, never mind their false promises.

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