Wide Awake Media on X
A FLAWLESS 60 second summary of the WEF’s nefarious Great Reset agenda, aired on Fox News. “The WEF is a fanatical political organisation that uses fear and manipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they’re the saviours, but really all you’re doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global public-private fascist movement, and fusion of big government, big tech [and] big money, to create a technocratic ruling elite, which conveniently is them.” “They want to create feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs, and they are the lords ruling over us… That’s what they’re aiming for.”
Yep, he’s right. The WEF and all associated individuals and organizations are guilty of committing fraud. They use the hoax called scientism in a manner called “gaslighting” to spread false environmental alarms while at the same time blaming all of humanity as their causes. They then propose to solve their false “imminent catastrophies” by instituting their own solution which is their own One World Government… and thereby rule the world.
Now, there are some environmental problems that need to be addressed, such as litter in the oceans, but their call to drastically reduce the earth’s populations is far too extreme and misanthropic.
Yes, the WEF and all associated individuals and organizations must be banned as well as prosecuted for willfully spreading false alarms.
Bill Gates and his bio-warfare must also be stopped as also being misanthropic.