Naomi Wolf: “Phizer Tried to Kill Us, To Sterilize Us, This is Satanic

At the very top of the Globalist pyramid is the evil dark god Global Luciferian pedophiles worship. That ‘god’ is Satan, the one they call the angel Lucifer.  Globalists covet power, knowledge, vast wealth, and a kingdom (NWO) of their own.   The bargain they struck with Lucifer/Satan is this: he gives them what they covet and they give him their souls and vast numbers of babies and children, which the soulless ritually anally rape, brutalize, and murder.  Some of them even drink babies blood as a sign of their apotheosis, meaning Satan/Lucifer is within them.    As Christians we should not be surprised by any of this because what is occurring has happened over and over throughout the Old Testament.  We are witnessing the Old Testament come alive before our eyes.   @lindykimball

Wide Awake Media on X

They tried to kill us… They tried to sterilise us.” Dr. Naomi Wolf: “The centrepiece of the Pfizer papers is an intentional attack… on women and babies.”

“They killed the babies, and they knew it. They poisoned the breast milk, and they knew it… They lowered the sperm count, and they knew it.”

“They have a chart of the babies they’re injuring. They have a chart of the women’s menstrual cycles that they’re disrupting.”

“This is satanic on a massive level… the fact that they knew they were doing this, which—if you read the Pfizer papers—you cannot conclude otherwise.”

Credit: @naomirwolf @rustyrockets


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