USAID is the vehicle. Our tax dollars are the fuel, The drivers are our Lucifer-worshipping, Christ-hating DeepState criminals, now fleeing before the Trump Tidal Wave. @SpiritedIrish
Daily Media on X: Terrorism As a Foreign Policy Tool. Terrorism and USAID Funding (and slaughter of Christians)
Adamu Garba II
@adamugarba a Nigerian politician, follows up on the recent statement by the US Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) on USAID providing hundreds of millions of US dollars to extremist groups in Africa, including Boko Haram and ISIS in the Sahel region.
With Donald Trump at the helm of the US government, is terrorism era in Africa about to come to an unrupt end? Or will the British intelligence continue to dominate the US intelligence and foreign policy to the detriment of the US (
This finally reveals the heretofore hidden Deep State, which was groups of unelected buraucrats acting independently of elected government as though they were self-governing.
And not so strangely they were supporting radical Left Wing causes, even to Islamic terrorism.
I forget, what was it that solon, Roman I think, said, that a known enemy is less to be feared than an internal one who plots against you?