“John Kerry’s Daughter Says BILLIONS of Humans Must Die for the ‘New World Order’” JD Vance News on X
“It was raided for trafficking children out of Guatemala.. Everyone on the Epstein list promoted Save the Children. In 4 years, 190,000 arrived in the US.. 75% are missing.” Ryan Matta on X Exposes Jill Biden’s “Save the Children” Links to Epstein’s Child Trafficking Network
“If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God, as we walked about among the worshipers” Psalm 55: 12-14
For ever so long we believed our enemies were Americans like us, that they wanted the best for our land and our people. We didn’t suspect them of betraying us, of wanting millions of us to die and our homeland burned to ashes. Because we trusted them we even elected them into political offices of power which they secretly turned against us, to our harm. But now their treachery and their death wishing for us and our homeland has exploded into an evil raging beast we can no longer ignore. Our eyes are open and we clearly see they are not our friends but our enemies whoo hate us. They are amoral, malicious, irrational Deep State Forces of Evil intent on the destruction of our homeland and of us—middle class Christians and Conservatives who have done them no wrong.
Under their control and direction our homeland has been collapsing into lawlessness, burning cities, madness, wickedness, evil, poverty, and disintegration. The most frightening aspect of the Forces of Evil is that through the White House, intelligence agencies, legislatures, courts, media, academia, woke military, and other sources of power and influence the malign possess the ability to lead our country even farther down the highway to hell—to further moral decline, weirdness, poverty; death by injection, man-made famine, and weaponized weather; depopulation schemes, blocking the sun by way of chem-trails, child sex trafficking, and other evils that will take our homeland down into the abyss.
Only the rise of the MAGA movement with its determined resolve to fight back by electing Donald Trump as President have the criminal machinations of the Forces of Evil been disrupted, exposed, and cast into disarray. As the combined forces of MAGA/MAHA/DOGE deploy every tool to purge, disrupt, throw down, and hold the wicked to account, we find ourselves in the midst of a monumental battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil.
Both sides know everything is at stake but are prepared to wage war to the death:
“This great drama now defines our time. It is tragic but necessary. We all knew following the events of the last five years that nothing would ever be the same.” Editor, Brownstone Institute
Let us pray:
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, You have been excluded from the hearts and consciences of the malicious children of darkness, the treacherous Forces of Evil who have been betraying us so to lead us to our deaths and our homeland down into the abyss.
The inevitable result of Your exclusion from their hearts has been madness, wickedness, and evil resulting in great suffering, death, corruption, and injustice throughout our land, not only in the lives of individuals but also in the assassination attempts against our President, Donald J. Trump.
Lord, the children of light are struggling against the children of darkness, the Forces of Evil who are intent on regaining control and venting their vengeance upon us. We earnestly pray Lord that in the battle between good and evil that it be Your will for good to prevail and that You would right all the evils that have been been committed by the children of darkness. Please Lord, vindicate all who have been falsely accused and imprisoned or cruelly treated and harmed in other ways by the wicked through injections, man-made famine, and weaponized hurricanes, firestorms, droughts, and weaponized fogs. Even so, we pray You will keep us Father from taking vengeance for vengeance is yours and You will repay.
Lord, in Your infinite goodness, love, and mercy we pray that it be Your will to give peace to all those who have been wickedly abused by the forces of evil. We also pray that the suffering they have had to endure would be the means to draw them into Your saving arms of grace. We also ask that it be Your will that at least some of the wicked—those whose wills are not irrevocably turned toward evil– will repent and ask You to be their Lord and Savior.
We ask these petitions in the precious name of our beloved Lord and Savior, the Crucified and Risen Christ we are patiently waiting for. Amen
A heartfelt A-M-E-N.
“Thy kingdom come
Thy Will be done
On Earth
As it is in Heaven”.
Amen and well done praying for those who hate you and have shamefully mistreated you