The UFO of God

While holders of the naturalist worldview continue to explain away anything ‘other worldly,’ a great excitement has been moving through certain very high ranking intelligence and military members over the appearance of The Divine Lady., the other worldly “star” of the best seller, “UFO of God.”

“She” arrives in a space craft. Her symbols are bull and cow. ‘She” is the very ancient Egyptian horned goddess Hathor, a fallen Power, come now into our deChristianized culture to seduce and entrance souls into following her into hell. 

This is why we ought to be interested in the Phoenix Lights. Now that the “lady” has attracted a cult following among the powerful it appears that the Phoenix Lights and other sightings may have been fallen Powers introducing themselves to an unbelieving people. 

Christians should be able to find Biblical application for these appearances and contacts and what they portend. 


7 thoughts on “The UFO of God”

  1. “We know that we are from God, and the whole [cosmos] lies in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19)
    The darkness is getting intense.
    “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” (Revelation 12:11)
    Prayers for you!

    1. This morning I’ve been countering naturalists. Their hearts are closed against truth, meaning in this case, ‘other worldly’ phenomenon.

  2. “…divine power to destroy strongholds…”

    “…against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places…”

    “…all the knees that have not bowed to Baal,
    and every mouth that has not kissed him.” (2 Kings 19:18)

    Random thoughts taken captive to obey Christ.

    More prayers for you.

  3. Why doesn’t anyone question that so-called extraterrestrials nevertheless use terrestrial symbols such as bull and cow, when those symbols should also be of extraterrestrial origin? It doesn’t follow, non sequitor. And how is it that they have a human-like gender which they call “she”?
    It’s a grand deception that the demons use technological devices with supernatural abilities to fool people into thinking that they’re super-“evolved” beings from outer space. No actually, they’re demons from our world.

    1. Anthropocentic is the word that describes assigning human characterisitics to non-human objects. Also anthropomorphic.

  4. You are absolutely right, Carlos, when you say that “demons use technological devices,” as well as the general premise of your post.

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