Taxpayer-Funded Islamization: How Morgantown High in West Virginia Became Ground Zero for CAIR’s Campaign to Islamize American Schools (Video)

Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation USA, 9/24

Morgantown High School’s decision to establish a prayer room, following pressure from Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas-tied groups, is a calculated step in a larger Islamic agenda to infiltrate public institutions, indoctrinate non-Muslims, normalize Islamic practices, and gradually impose Sharia law, thereby eroding America’s secular foundation.

In a disturbing turn of events, Morgantown High School, a taxpayer-funded public institution in West Virginia, has yielded to pressure from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim Student Association (MSA)—an organization with deep ties to the Muslim Brotherhood—to provide a dedicated prayer space for Muslim students to perform their Friday Jummah prayers. This is not just a simple religious accommodation; it’s part of a much larger, dangerous Islamic agenda designed to Islamize American institutions, beginning with the schools.

What initially began as a request from Sajida Elsarrat, a senior at Morgantown High and leader of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), for a special room for Muslim students to gather for Jummah prayer quickly turned into a full-blown Islamic pressure campaign. CAIR, in coordination with their fellow jihadis at the MSA, intervened after the school denied the request in 2023. Together, these two “radical’ (religiously devout) Islamic organizations—both deeply tied to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood—worked in unison to force Morgantown High to submit to their demands.

In response to CAIR’s aggressive legal and public pressure, the school eventually conceded, allowing the prayer room to be established. This outcome represents more than a victory for a student group—it is a victory for Muslim activists, who are working to force American schools to accommodate Islamic practices at the expense of their secular foundation.

CAIR Is Hamas: The Proof Is Undeniable

It is essential to understand that CAIR is not simply a civil rights organization advocating for Muslim Americans—it is, in fact, Hamas. As documented by the RAIR Foundation and numerous investigations, CAIR was founded by individuals tied to Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist organization responsible for countless acts of violence, including the deaths of civilians around the world. CAIR operates as Hamas’ American front, working to further its agenda by infiltrating and influencing American institutions under the guise of civil rights advocacy.

The push for prayer spaces in public schools like Morgantown High is not just an effort for religious freedom—it’s a calculated tactic by Hamas (through CAIR) to advance Islamic dominance in public spaces. The evidence tying CAIR to Hamas is undeniable: Nihad Awad, the executive director of CAIR, has openly expressed his support for Hamas. Awad participated in a 1993 summit with Hamas operatives to discuss strategies for undermining U.S. policies and raising funds for Hamas in America. As revealed in FBI wiretaps, this meeting, among other events, clearly demonstrated CAIR’s role as an extension of Hamas.

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1 thought on “Taxpayer-Funded Islamization: How Morgantown High in West Virginia Became Ground Zero for CAIR’s Campaign to Islamize American Schools (Video)”

  1. There’s a lesson to be learned from this.
    America has always welcomed practioners of religions other than Christianity who are peaceful and abide by America’s laws.
    But Islam has never been peaceful and willing to abide by any laws other than its own Sharia laws. Islam is always aggressively seeking to establish its own laws and overturn all others, basically with the end of establishing its own caliphate. Moreover, Islamic law is never just, just capricious, unjust, and cruel.
    Therefore, Islamic worshippers, who will eventually seek to conquer other nations, cannot be permitted to immigrate to the USA. They’re almost literally a Trojan Horse with Islamic warriors bent on carrying out jihad.
    Those who are already here should be expelled as “undersirables” who will rebel against just and lawful American authority.

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