Burning America Down: How It’s Being Accomplished

In the last month, without purposefully looking, I’ve come across at least two dozen online and print articles on ADHD (including so-called “Adult ADHD), all of which claim it is a brain-based disease that involves something the ADHD Establishment calls “brain differences” and/or biochemical abnormalities of some sort. All of the articles in question advance the notion that ADHD can be successfully treated with a broad-spectrum therapeutic plan that includes medication. After all, it makes perfect sense that a “disease” defined by abnormal physiological variables calls for medication that promises to re-set those variables, however temporary the re-set may be. Right? Yes, right. The problem, however, is that no consistent body of evidence verifies that ADHD symptoms (short attention span, difficulties with concentration and task completion, impulsivity, disorganized thinking and behavior) are the consequence of faulty biology and qualify, therefore, as a disease. When brain trauma is obvious or provable, the biology/ADHD symptoms connection can be verified, in which case the diagnosis is not ADHD…it’s brain trauma. In basic terms, the notion that ADHD symptoms stem from faulty biology is a lie, the purpose of which is to sell psychiatric medication. When a lie makes a certain influential group lots of money, the group in question is highly motivated to sustain the lie. Simple as that.” (The Relentless Diseasing of American’s Children, John Rosemond, Clear Truth Media, 10/24)

In many ways, middle class Americans have been and pretty much remain the trusting Hobbits of Tolkiens Towers Trilogy.   We simply want to raise our families, work to support them, and love our homeland.

But while we have been living within our Hobbit communities where everything seemed pretty much the same,  all round the outer perimeters were forces of darkness scheming on our demise and the burning down of our Christian based homeland:

“By the end of WWI, socialists realized that something was amiss, for the world’s proletariat had not heeded Marx’s call to rise up in opposition to evil capitalism and to embrace communism instead. They wondered what had gone wrong.

Separately, two Marxist theorists-Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary-concluded that the Christianized West was the obstacle standing in the way of a communist new world order. The West would have to be conquered first.

Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 2000 years, not only was it fused with Western civilization, but it had corrupted the workers class. The West would have to be de-Christianized, said Gramsci, by means of a “long march through the culture.” Additionally, a new proletariat must be created. In his “Prison Notebooks,” he suggested the new proletariat be comprised of criminals, angry women, racial minorities, and homosexuals.” Cultural Marxism, Linda Kimball

“When children absorb the content of their culture, it isn’t just facts and skills, the most important things we pass between generations are myths; stories that are so powerfully important they are encoded in a special sacred layer. And in our case, the myth we need comes to us from the Greeks, the founders of the ancient West. The one from which the modern West ultimately emerged.

It is the story of the Phoenix.

A mystical bird that instead of making chicks lights its nest ablaze and raises anew from the ashes. Watching the modern West burn, I believe it is no accident that this story points us to a hidden solutiona remedy for which we just so happen to have the ingredients.”  (Bret Weinstein’s closing of his speech at the Rescue the Republic event Sept. 29, 2024, Cynthia Chung,”A Republic if We Can Phoenix It, Bret Weinstein’s Tavistock Cure to Save the Demented West by Burning the Village to Save the Village) 

Weinstein has demoted Christianity to a myth and admits that this particular myth is the one from which the West emerged.

Burning down the demented Christian West has been an ongoing project, carried out through stealth, deception, and propaganda for many long years. Demoralizing the middle class is one way. De-Christianizing, destroying the family, and simultaneously paganizing Americans is another. Dividing us against each other, ie black against white, has been a very productive way of burning down America. Addicting us to drugs, porn, and ‘self’ (narcissism) are others. A more recent and very fruitful scheme is importation of immigrants whose cultures clash with our own and then spreading immigrant groups throughout mainly small town America.

One long term plan involved invented ‘diseases’ such as ADHD.  This phony ‘disease’ would mainly affect boys.   Boys are naturally rambunctious, loud, prone to squirming in their seats, and growing up into the much hated toxic, aggressive males prone to protecting their families, homes, communities, and homeland.  

So how do we (say schemers) emasculate males without appearing to do so?   Answer: we invent a disease necessitating a brain drug to more or less zombify boys. To prevent perceptive people from exposing our deception we’ll brand them as ‘conspiracy theorists’ which implies mental illness.  We will use this scarifying term because we know humans have a fear of being thought mentally ill, say the wicked. This way, fear of taking seriously anything said by mentally ill ‘conspiracy theorists’ will ensure that our long-range goal of emasculating boys goes on indefinitely into the future undetected. And we’ll make a lot of money as well.


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