Why Western Europe And America are not as Hopelessly Wicked as Ancient Rome

As a hopelessly corrupt Rome burned, Augustine observed that every Roman at every level of society, from slave to king, had as many masters as vices (sins).  He meant that not one of them was free, meaning they no longer had a free will since all of them were addicted to their vices, therefore they were forced to perform the cult of addiction.

“…they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.” 2 Peter 2:19

 With their wills turned toward vice they were slaves of their vices.  Thus, liars could do naught but lie, thieves could do naught but steal, the anally addicted could do naught but sodmomize each other.  In short, the wicked could do naught but wickedness as do the vice-addicted oligarchies destroying both W. Europe and America.

With respect to Western Europe and America, neither are as hopelessly evil as Rome.  This is because there are as yet a great number of people whose wills are turned toward the true, good, and righteous and they are rising up against the wicked.  So there is hope for our lands that our Lord will have mercy on us, remove the evil-doers from both W. Europe and America and,

Give to them according to their work and according to the evil of their deeds; give to them according to the work of their hands; render them their due reward.” Psalm 28:4

2024@Linda Kimball

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