Does Teaching Evolution Promote Atheism in the Classroom?

Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, 9/24

A federal court recently dismissed a lawsuit filed by Christian parents against the state of Indiana. The lawsuit claimed “teachers violate religious freedom law when they promote ‘the atheist religion’ by teaching students about evolution.” The court “allowed the science education standards to remain in place,” claiming that “evolution is not a religious concept.” But were they right?

Well, first we have to understand that there are two different kinds of science: observational and historical science. Observational science is directly testable, observable, and repeatable. It’s this kind of science that uses the scientific method and develops technology and medical innovation. That’s very different from historical science. Historical science deals with the past and is therefore not directly testable, observable, or repeatable because it’s the past—it’s gone!

Now, everyone has a worldview—the lens through which they view the world. And that worldview will determine how you interpret the evidence in the present when it comes to trying to understand the past (historical science).

What this means is that historical science is an interpretation of the evidence based on your starting point. Naturalistic evolutionary interpretations (the prevailing narrative in public schools) start with the assumption that there is no supernatural, that the universe is billions of years old, and that life and the universe are the result of naturalistic processes. Those are all anti-biblical worldview assumptions—and they have consequences (the very consequences we’re now reaping as a nation, such as relative morality, sexual promiscuity, disregard for the value of life, and more).

So, yes, evolution is a religion—it’s the foundation for the religion of atheism. And teaching evolution in the classroom does promote evolution and makes atheism the de facto religion of the state. Atheists have a faith (a blind faith) position. Now, are courts going to throw evolution out of the classroom? Not likely. Secularism now permeates every part of our society, notably the public school classroom.That’s why it’s vital, no matter how you choose to school your children, that you teach them truth so they can resist the lie and stand for the truth of God’s Word . . . from the very first verse.

As I’ve always said: Ultimately, legislation is not the answer—the answer is the truth of God’s Word, the saving gospel, and changed hearts and minds.

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