Video: Springfield, Ohio resident: This is a dystopian nightmare

Fox News, 9/24

Springfield resident Diana Daniels joined ‘Fox & Friends’ to describe what life has been life in recent years as the migrant surge floods the city and who she blames for the ongoing crisis

1 thought on “Video: Springfield, Ohio resident: This is a dystopian nightmare”

  1. This shows that the illegals who arrived here were not the law-abiding ones in their host countries either. Yes, they came here seeking opportunities but they don’t care whether those opportunities are legal or not. Illegals will continue being illegal.
    This suits the extremist Democrats, who hate a well functioning America and seek to “transform” it, when American communities are being severely disrupted. They will then promise to “fix it” with their own socialist remedies.
    We already know that their local “fixes” are guaranteed to fail, whereupon they’ll turn to a Globalist “solution”.
    So this is about canceling the prior greatness of America to turn it into a Globalist vassal state.

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