Pizzagate, the Scandal Master, the Connection to Biden-Harris’ Climate Czar Explained, and Hillary’s Appetite for Little Girls

Texans Jack & Dodie, Clever Journeys, 9/24

On Oct. 28, 2016, then FBI Director James Comey curiously announced the reopening of the investigation into presidential Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

The news came in response to the ongoing sexting scandal involving former Congressman Anthony Weiner. When electronics seized from Weiner’s home contained data from Clinton’s server, disclosures and reports blossomed.

The next day, a Facebook user who claimed inside NYPD knowledge posted, “Its much more vile and serious than classified material on Weiner’s device. The email DETAIL the trips made by Weiner, Bill and Hillary on their pedophile billionaire friend’s plane, the Lolita Express. Yup, Hillary has a well documented predilection for underage girls. . . . We’re talking an international child enslavement and sex ring.”

In February 2018, when Weiner, the former New York congressman sentenced to 21 months behind bars after he sent explicit photos of himself to an underage girl, was released from prison to enter a halfway house.

“With full knowledge that he was communicating with a real 15-year-old girl, the defendant asked her to engage in sexually explicit conduct via Skype and Snapchat, where her body was on display, and where she was asked to sexually perform for him,” prosecutors wrote in 2017. 

While investigating Weiner’s alleged crimes, the FBI found 141,000 emails on his laptop it believed potentially relevant to an investigation into whether Hillary Clinton or her aides had mishandled classified materials. 

Recall that also in Oct. 2016, Wikileaks released emails from John Podesta, inviting the public to pour over his suspicious private messages. 

While mainstream media attempted to cover up, or misinterpret, many Americans found the Podesta’s emails quite startling. They discovered the term “pizza” was a code.

By January 2018, the death of Washington D.C. based private investigator Kevin Halligen, 56,who had been looking into the Madeleine McCann case in May 2008, brought attention to a Bill and Hillary Clinton ally.

He was responsible for linking John and Tony Podesta to the disappearance of the 3-year-old girl in Portugal, sparking frenzied speculation that the brothers, both high-level Democratic Party operatives, were responsible for her murder.

Halligen and his partner Henri Exton were the catalysts that led to the two police sketches released in the search for the Madeleine McCann abductor(s), and which bore more than a passing resemblance to John and Tony Podesta.

Halligen’s investigative work revealed that one of the men pictured in the sketches was seen carrying a young child that resembled the 3-year-old child on a beach in Praia da Luz, Portugal, a popular beach holiday location where Halligen also proved the Podesta brothers were holidaying at the time.

Just a week before the presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Alex Jones of InfoWars on Nov. 2, 2016, dedicated his broadcast to millions devoted to Pizzagate.

During the show Douglas Hagmann said, “[T]he most disgusting aspect of this is the sexual angle. I don’t want to be graphic or gross here. . . . Based on my source, Hillary did in fact participate on some of the junkets on the Lolita Express.”

(Recall that the Lolita Express was the term for Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet which carried many politicians, celebrities and other notable people to the notorious island).

Within a few days, searches for “Hillary” and “pedophile” went from a zero on Google Trends to 100 – the highest mark on the scale of trending searches. After Pizzagate went viral, more than 250,000 Twitter accounts posted 1.4 million tweets about the subject within five weeks. 

Erik Prince, the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, revealed on Breitbart Radio that the New York Police Department had evidence that “Hillary went to this sex island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went there more than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times.”

Although mainstream media branded it as “conspiracy theory,” over time these truths were revealed as accurate.

According to the Pizzagate stories, the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria (and others possibly) in Washington, D.C. housed major international child trafficking operations in its basement.

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Pizzagate, the Scandal Master & the Connection to Biden-Harris’ Climate Czar Explained

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