Global Luciferians: The Enemy of Our Souls

Not long into Mahyar Tousi’s video presentation, “Churches Burn Down Across Europe,” you will be shown a map of France. It has fire icons all over it. Each icon depicts a church that has been attacked in some way or burned down. Who is ultimately behind these attacks? Not the Islamists who are useful tools, but the Global Luciferian’s behind their presence throughout W. Europe, Canada, the USA, and elsewhere in the West. 

During the opening ceremonies of the Olympics we were shown what was a Luciferian celebration of the dechristianization of France. At the height of the celebration we are shown a historic French building bathed in blood with fires coming out of its many windows. In one window we see a headless Marie Antoinette holding her head, the symbol for the bloody end of Christendom. 

The Olympic ceremonies were marked by occult symbolism, for instance: skulls, blood, death, darkness, and the apocalyptic rider of the Pale Horse triumphantly leading the athletes–who represent the nations of the world. That scene was the symbol of the coming apocalyptic end of the Christian West and America. In secular terms the apocalypse is the Great Reset.

Today’s Luciferian’s are offspring of occult secret societies such as the Illuminati that emerged out of the Renaissance. The goal of these societies and their highly placed, politically powerful members was twofold. First, the dechristianization of the West and its destruction, then the remaking of the whole world. The coming New World would have a ‘new god.” That god would be Lucifer. The New World would be populated by a new gender fluid nonbinary human, the creation of Luciferian psychopaths who view themselves as gods standing beyond good and evil. 

The French Revolution, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, churches burning down all over the dying West and the United States are projects of satanically empowered Luciferian’s, working as always, behind the scenes toward their ultimate goal of a Luciferian New World Order. The New Order, whose god is Lucifer will require a Luciferian initiation as the price of entry. This means that all who are citizens of the NWO will be energized by Lucifer if not possessed.

Luciferian’s are mystical pantheist occult neo-Gnostics who believe they will not die but evolve and reincarnate so as to finish their diabolical antichrist work in this world.  Darwinism is their inverted origin account.

But they who seek perfection by acquiring the mind of Lucifer, and who believe they will own the world, are the most deceived of all. Reincarnation and evolution are ancient teachings of demons. They are lies from hell. And until Christ returns as the rightful King, the world is Satan’s kingdom and his promise of it to Luciferian’s as their own kingdom is also a lie because Satan and his evil host are already defeated.

So Luciferian’s will not live but die as we all do. But Hell will be their eternal abode while Paradise restored will be the eternal dwelling place of all who are saved in Christ our Lord.  


1 thought on “Global Luciferians: The Enemy of Our Souls”

  1. You’re most assuredly correct. “The wages of sin is death”, the Bible says. This speaks of spiritual death, the second death where no Life exists. It’s the evil kingdom of Satan who has no Life or Truth or Light in him either, just perpetual darkness.
    It’s the well deserved payment of those who refuse God’s kind offer of remission of sins for repentance. It’s the just payment of those who don’t want to be good but rather evil-doers.

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