Why Many Liberals Literally Lose Some of Their Ability to Think Rationally and Logically

Texans Jack & Dodie, Clever Journeys, 9/1/24

Many studies confirm American adults and teens who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives. 

Correlations between brain function/anatomy and specific political party are consistent across multiple studies, of varying design and methodology, over years of research.

Mental-health experts suspect this trend is at least partly explained by liberals’ tendency to spend more time worrying about stress-inducing topics like racial injustice, income inequality, gun violence, and climate change.

Liberals associate with other liberals and speak emotionally. “Trump is awful”, “Trump is scary”, Kamala is wonderful”, “Republicans make me angry”, “How great it would be if Trump went to jail”, etc– all EMOTIONAL terms. 

Like any muscle that isn’t used, the brain is no exception. After years of talking and thinking in emotional terms, many liberals literally lose some of their ability to think rationally and logically.

The logical mind and the emotional mind are in distinctly different parts of the brain.

Emotions lie in the primitive part of the brain, the cerebellum, which also controls voluntary movement (flight or fight) for survival. 

● Logical/rational/analytical thinking occurs in the cerebrum, the later-evolved part of the brain. 

When parts of the brain are unused, they lose function and “re-wire” to enhance more used functions.

A growing number of liberals cannot critically think, which is why they are so easily led. And, their media exploits this by putting everything in emotional terms, whether television, radio, or print.


Why Depression is Higher Among Liberals

1 thought on “Why Many Liberals Literally Lose Some of Their Ability to Think Rationally and Logically”

  1. I don’t buy it that there’s brain activity just between cerebellum and cerebrum. There’s also a left brain vs, right brain, each with its own abilities. There’a also a sense of identity which accepts or rejects what it likes and doesn’t like..
    If they can’t make good decisions it because their characters are too irresponsible and too poorly equipped to break any ice and sort through facts. The “Me” generations only accept what inflates their personalities. These self-absorbed rubes, like children, can’t tell when they’re being conned. They’re innocent babes who believe what they’re told, with no foresight or hindsight.
    And they’re disassociated from reality as a result.

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