Video: RFK Jr. Exposes the Truth About the Democrats While Endorsing Trump, with Victor Davis Hanson

Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of “The Case For Trump,” to discuss what it means for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to endorse Donald Trump, his ability to expose the Democrats for who they truly are, what role he might serve in a Trump administration, Kamala Harris’ losing strategy vs. Trump’s winning strategy, and more.

2 thoughts on “Video: RFK Jr. Exposes the Truth About the Democrats While Endorsing Trump, with Victor Davis Hanson”

  1. Ted Cruz doesn’t need to be more “moderate”. He has all the true American bona fides that any true American could ask for and I’ll still vote for him on that basis.
    What he doesn’t have is the charisma to win popularity contests, but I don’t vote on that account, I vote for true American bona fides. That goes for all others as well.
    RFK, Jr. seems to closely match that, and he seems to have charisma. I say “seems” because early reports described him as an extreme Left Winger in some respects, so I have my doubts.
    It is encouraging however that RFKjr.’s chosen VP, what’s her name, said that the Democrat Party had lost it’s soul. I would add heart and mind to soul. Only one with a Christian background would know what a souls is. The heathen don’t.

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