Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

Special Counsel Jack Smith reversed course in his quest to seek expedited hearings in his Washington, DC, case against former President Donald Trump.

Smith sought the hearings to determine which actions that Trump allegedly took he could charge in his election interference case against the president.

The Supreme Court’s July 1 decision that presidents enjoy partial immunity for actions taken in office in an official capacity spurred

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5 thoughts on “Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case”

  1. Providence? – yes. But it’s also about honest decent Americans realizing how they’ve been mistreated, used, and abused by the totally unscrupulous and dishonest, also called gaslighting. If you read the comments following the article, that’s what’s indicated.

    1. I can’t edit here so I’m changing the above phrase to say, “… disrespected and mistreated, used and abused… “.

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