89-Year-Old Death Camp Survivor, 6 Other Pro-Lifers Face 10+ Years in Prison on FACE Act Charges

Eva Edl, who nearly starved to death as a little girl in a Yugoslavian concentration camp, is preparing for the possibility of dying in prison after she and six other pro-lifers were prosecuted by the Biden-Harris DOJ for a peaceful protest outside of an abortion center.

Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite, 8/24

(LifeSiteNews) — Seven pro-life advocates, including a communist prison camp survivor, face over a decade in prison after having been convicted on Tuesday for a peaceful protest conducted outside of an abortion facility.

Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Joel Curry, Justin Phillips, Cal Zastrow, his daughter Eva Zastrow, and 89-year-old Eva Edl, who survived a concentration camp, were found guilty of violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and of a “conspiracy against rights,” a charge originally created to deal with the Ku Klux Klan.

“Isn’t Jesus good? Let’s go to the sidewalk and sing,” Cal Zastrow reportedly said immediately after the verdict.

Their conviction stems from a “rescue” protest the pro-lifers conducted outside of the Northland Family Planning Clinic in Sterling Heights, Michigan – an abortion mill where preborn babies are killed – along with a group of other pro-life advocates. Edl and Idoni were also convicted on a charge due to a similar protest they participated in at the Women’s Health Clinic abortuary in Saginaw, Michigan. 

All seven pro-lifers could face over 10 years in prison as well as hundreds of thousands in fines upon sentencing.

Edl, who came close to death by starvation and endured squalid conditions as a little girl in a Yugoslavian concentration camp, has contemplated the possibility that she may die in prison after sentencing for this peaceful pro-life protest.

“When I was indicted, I began to prepare to die there,” Edl told The Daily Signal’s Mary Margaret Olohan earlier this year. “Right now, I am ambivalent. … I’m doing the best I can to get ready. Haven’t talked to a funeral director yet.”

“I’m just being sensible,” she added. “There’s no guarantee that I survive it.”



1 thought on “89-Year-Old Death Camp Survivor, 6 Other Pro-Lifers Face 10+ Years in Prison on FACE Act Charges”

  1. This goes to show how lawless the (woke) law has become, that it punishes the innocent and rewards the guilty. The violent rioters are the ones set free, not the harmless.

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