Global Digital Marking System Coming Soon to United States of America: Biden Admin Working on Draft Executive Order

Leo Hohmann, 8/24

I have been reporting about this for exactly four years, warning people that it was coming and to prepare for the day when you won’t be able to buy or sell unless you submit to a biometric digital ID based on a scan of your eyeballs, your palm, or some other unique physical feature. Whoever submits to a biometric digial ID is accepting a sinister system designed for one reason and one reason only — to inventory and control every human being on the planet through the power of artificial intelligence.

If you submit to a system that bars people who reject the digitization of their identities from entering certain public places and bars them from purchasing essential items, including food and fuel, and bars them from having a bank account or working most jobs, how is that not a beast system resembling that which is described in Revelation 13?

Way too many people, including Christians, believe such a thing will never happen in America, at least not in their lifetimes. They suffer from chronic normalcy bias. If such a system were to appear, they will not believe it is what it is, because their pastors will tell them it can’t be that! It can’t be the mark of the beast. No, not here. Not now. That’s way off in the future and only after certain other events take place.

Nevermind that this system is already fully functional and being implemented in several dozen countries around the world. America is different, they say. America is “exceptional,” and our government would never be allowed to force us to get digitally marked, allowing authorities to tag and track us wherever we go, like cattle in a feedlot awaiting their utlimate destination at the slaughterhouse.

Well, well, well, look at the article posted August 20, 2024, by The Defender, which cites a nonprofit news outlet as having obtained a draft executive order that will “speed up” the implementation of digital IDs in America. This confirms what we “conspiracy theorists” have been warning about for several years.

Has anyone asked we the people if we want this? Of course not. It will just be jammed down our throats. First it will come with incentives (the carrot approach) and eventually it will involve punishments (the stick approach). But it will come, whether we like it or not.

Almost every state already has the infrastructure for a digital ID in place and more than a few states are already offering these anti-human, WEF-approved, UN-approved biomentric ID systems. The sheeple will line up voluntarily to get theirs. They always do. It’s the next new thing, right? Americans love new things, especially new technology. 

It will spell their doom. 

But, at some point, after all the sheeple have signed away their freedom by accepting the shiny new digital ID app on their phones, the governments and corporations will make these surveillance tools mandatory for all.

I have posted an excerpt from The Defender‘s bombshell article below. Interestingly, not a word of this has leaked out in the corporate media. They want people to be caught off guard when it’s sprung on them that they can no longer do certain things without one of these apps on their phone that allows the government and corporations to identify them by their eyes (forehead) or their palm (hand). And with that one simple scan, they will know everything about you, everything you’ve ever posted online, everything you’ve ever bought, your complete medical history including the number of injections you’ve received, everywhere you’ve ever traveled, your education history and everything you’re capable of thinking. They will know if you’re a government zombie drone or a critical thinker.

By Michael Nevradakis at The Defender

The Biden administration is drafting an executive order for federal and state governments to speed up the adoption of digital ID — including mobile driver’s licenses — and for the development of a uniform, government-run online identity system to verify identity and age, and access public websites and services.

NOTUS, a nonprofit news outlet, obtained a draft of the executive order, which states: “It is the policy of the executive branch to strongly encourage the use of digital identity documents.”

According to NOTUS, the executive order “could reshape how Americans access government services, and potentially behave online.”

A digital ID system could operate with the use of biometric scans like facial recognition to “help better verify identity online,” NOTUS reported, noting the federal government is working with Apple and Google to build systems that would “allow Americans to carry identity documents on their smartphones and frictionlessly submit them to both government and private sector websites for verification.”

Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda,” told The Defender that, as defined by the World Economic Forum (WEF), “digital identity is ‘the sum total of the growing and evolving mass of information about us, our profiles and the history of our activities online.’”

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Global digital marking system coming soon to United States of America: Biden admin working on draft executive order