Ephesians 6:12…The Role of Demons Behind Woke Stupidity

The self-justifying ideology that dominates society today, with its shameless moral posturing – the jiggery-wokery of the West – is especially difficult to deal with because it is a form of stupidity which is less self-aware than rank evil and is no respecter of persons. It seems immune to reasoning and inconvenient truths. Intellectuals, scholars, political elites, and journalists are frequently afflicted with this brand of stupidity – indeed more so than ordinary working people, who are practically forced to consume their vacuous messaging in every form of media.” Why Church Leaders Act Like Cowards, Joe Boot, Clear Truth Media, 8/24

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the pastor executed by Nazis, had this to say about collective stupidity. His remarks are particularly reflective of today’s woke stupidity:

The fact that stupid people are often stubborn should not hide the fact that they are not independent. When talking to him, one feels that one is not dealing with him personally, but with catchphrases, slogans, etc. that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell; he is blinded; he is abused in his own being. Having become an instrument without an independent will, the fool will also be capable of all evil, and at the same time, unable to recognize it as evil…But it is also quite clear here that it is not an act of instruction, but only an act of liberation that can overcome stupidity… The Bible states that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Thus, the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome” (Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.“Von der Dummheit”: Widerstand und Ergebung. Briefe und Aufzeichnungen aus der Haft. S. 17–20. Muenchen, Christian Kaiser Verlag, 1951; cited by Joe Boot)

The most important takeaway from Bonhoeffer’s remarks is: “He is under a spell; he is blinded; he is abused in his own being. Having become an instrument without an independent will, the fool will also be capable of all evil, and at the same time, unable to recognize it as evil…

It is not popular in our anti-supernatural worldview age to speak of demons.  However, the very apt description above, especially the “instrument without an independent will” is best made sense of within the context of the supernatural:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”   Ephesians 6:12  

With that said, below are observations about todays woke stupified people:

1.  If you are not in the Kingdom of the Lord then you exist within the kingdom of Satan and he controls your will.  

2. As the wills of woke stupid people are controlled by Satan, the minds, memories, and consciences left unused by them become grounds occupied by demons.

 3.  This is why woke stupid people are fully capable of all evil why but they are unable to recognize it as evil

4. Woke ideology is one of many modern teachings of demons.

5. ‘Woke’ wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. James 3:15

6. “the whole world lieth in wickedness” (1 John 5:19), occupied by “the prince of this world” (John 12:31) who is “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Ephesian 2:2).

O Lord our God, a dark wing overshadows our land. In its darkness demons have found multitudes of new homes within the Woke, Democrats, Luciferians and many more who say, “No one sees me.” But because Your church O Lord has lost its spiritual. discernment it does not engage in the spiritual warfare raging all round us. Please Lord, renew a right spirit within Your church that its eyes may open and see the spiritual warfare and engage it through prayer and throwing down the teachings of demons at work within great numbers of minds–of those who can be redeemed and those who cannot, for they cannot atone. On them, destruction “Will come suddenly.” In the name of the crucified risen Lord we pray. Amen

You felt secure in your wickedness and said, ‘No one sees me,’ Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; For you have said in your heart, ‘I am, and there is no one besides me.’ “But evil will come on you Which you will not know how to charm away; And disaster will fall on you For which you cannot atone; And destruction about which you do not know Will come on you suddenly. Isaiah 47: 10-11

2024@Linda Kimball

5 thoughts on “Ephesians 6:12…The Role of Demons Behind Woke Stupidity”

  1. Ir certainly seems to be the case that those we call ideologues lose custody of their hearts and minds and are incapable of independent thought, unable to distinguish between good and evil and right and wrong. Their very identity, their character, becomes lost in it, becoming slaves to alien and inhuman thought processes.
    Yes, they could very well be responding to demonic suggestion, which is why they don’t respond to reasoning. Their will, their human nature even, is forfeited to something alien, not human any longer.

  2. Carlos, you have done a good job defining the essence of a “debased/reprobate mind” in Romans 1:28.

    1. Thank you Duncan. You yourself have done a good job in finding the applicable Bible quote. Keep it up.

  3. Fascinating quote from Bonhoeffer describing the state of Germans under the nazi spell…….and fascinating it is applicable again today to the people of the west who have come under various Luciferian spells …….. stupidity does seem to be the hallmark of evolutionists, trans idéologues and pro choice abortionists…….I would however note that not only can they not recognise evil, but fervently believe evil is good and good is evil……which is the hallmark of the last days……..and not only is this demonic but a judgement from God……

    Amen, send your liberating Holy Spirit to set your people free who are in terrible bondage and possession……hear their cries and groans Jesus

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