Megan Basham: My Response To JD Greear

Megan Basham, Clear Truth Media, 8/24

As JD Greear is the first major figure in my book to publicly object to my depiction of his statements and actions over the last few years, I’ll deal with his objections one by one. 

1) Greear feels it was not fair to mention his sermon wherein he said the Bible whispers about sexual sin because he later released a statement reversing his position after two years of pushback. 

But the fact that he did later say that he does not believe that the Bible only whispersabout sexual sin is something I myself noted in the paragraph he quotes. Where then is our disagreement? 

He says he was only speaking about Jesus’ “tone.” But the transcript of the sermon he links to shows this is not true. He was very clear that he was saying that the Bible whispers about the sexual sin itself, there is no contrasting of tone. 

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