Listen to Putin: Western Elite Lie All the Time; Look What They’re Doing To Their Own People; They’ve Gone Crazy

Listen to Putin: The Western Elite lie all the time. Look what they are doing to their own people. They are destroying the family, perverting children. They are leading their people to a spiritual disaster.

4 thoughts on “Listen to Putin: Western Elite Lie All the Time; Look What They’re Doing To Their Own People; They’ve Gone Crazy”

  1. Putin’s not wrong, they are crazy, as in insane, perhaps functionally insane, not in their right minds, and zealots to the point of being supremacists.
    To maintain their self-righteous supremacy they stifle all other arguments which reveal their dysfunction, like Grand Inquisitors. Everyone who disgrees with them is their declared enemy who will not be tolerated but destroyed.
    How does one reach a supremacist when they discard all reason that’s to their contrary?

    1. The fact that you care about reaching them shows the Heart of God and the love for our enemies……it is so easy to let our love grow cold and that is ironically the temptation for us in these last days……it is very easy to hate these people and feel no brotherly love whatever… I need the Love of Christ to be kindled in my un-charitable heart

      1. These are indeed kind and charitable words which come from the God-given love already in your heart. Faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love. Yes, may The Lord Above increase them.
        I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone. There were those who frightened me at times but I couldn’t hate them, even if they were loathsome and despicable.
        We don’t hate criminals either, we just lock them away for their own and our protection. We do try to reform them, which is why I’m here, to seek ways to reach the unrepentant supremacists who seek to upend, to subvert what’s rightful, including right reason, and install what’s wrongful and askew.
        Vaya con Dios hermano (go with God brother).

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