1 thought on “Video: Our Satanic Leaders – John MacArthur”

  1. John MacArthur is completely right that it’s all backwards. That’s because the DEI wokester functionaries in government don’t care in the least about carrying out the directives or the will of WE The People. Instead they’re busy carrying out their “transformation”, as Obama called it. They’re the ones Obama referred to when he said, “We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for”.
    That means they’re no longer public servants doing their rightful Constitutional duties but are instead the “transformers”, busy with transforming society according to their immoral and corrupt DEI.
    And it looks very much like an Obama homosexual agenda being carried out, even to transforming binary sex into an “Inclusiveness” which negates it.
    Of course an immoral law cannot be a law and therefore not binding, but like a dictatoship they will still seek to enforce their scurrilous laws on the righteous.
    That’s their “transformation” turning right reason upside down and backward. What else can this be but the works of the Devil who is the agent of chaos?

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