False Reality: A Conjuration of Evil Spirits in the Minds of Men

Had the Soviet Union not collapsed, in time it too would have tried to impose anal sodomy and androgyny/transgender onto the whole wide world. The Soviet Union was meant to be the communist Mother Country presiding over a destroyed and then transformed new world order. But it collapsed and now it’s the United States arrogantly pressing forward with the destruction and remaking of the world.

The spirit of evil present here was the same that was there in the Soviet Union, facilitating a bloody holocaust of chaos, madness and evil. Thus, as it was there, so it is here that great numbers of Americans do not live within Reality but within a satanically inverted false reality of their minds that is a conjuration of evil spirit.


6 thoughts on “False Reality: A Conjuration of Evil Spirits in the Minds of Men”

  1. Actually, my understanding is that the Communist revolution was a revolt against “bourgoisie” values which included anything considered immoral, so there were no rules against perverted sex. Later, when the populations of the USSR began to decline due to low birth rates, that’s when laws were enacted against LGBT relationships, in order to support family functions.

    1. According to Solzhenitsyn, it was a war against Jesus Christ. Underlying all of their ideological pretensions, said Solzhenitsyn, was pure hatred of God. This is why they murdered around 60,000,000 Christians and priests. And why in Pitesti Prison they tried to kill the souls of Christian prisoners.

      1. There’s no doubt that’s true. Underneath it all a spiritual battle is being waged between the forces of God’s Truth, good, law and order and those of Satan’s lies, evil, lawlessness, and disorder.

  2. But even that wasn’t enough to save the USSR from economic failure. It turned out that Christianity was the only thing that would keep their society together. So today’s Russia has returned to allowing Christianity it’s organizing and sustaining functions.
    Paganism can never do what Judeo-Christianity can do, which is to sustain an ordered society – One Nation, under God.

  3. Linda, the situation you assessed in this post are 100% spot-on correct. This is the ultimate reality most people don’t [want to] comprehend because of various distractions. It should come as no surprise after having observed an incomprehensively growing number of people in society who have increasingly embraced the occult in all its forms (TV shows, movies, books, video games, covens, transformational festivals, etc., etc.) over the last 50-60 years. Now the culture is saturated with wickedness and thoroughly fattened up for the kill – the kingdom of the Antichrist. There are likely an inordinate number of people in “our” country who are literally demon possessed. It will not get better…l

    1. Agreed on all points. The devil’s playground, the occult, thoroughly saturates our society. It has made inroads into the church via centering prayer, the enneagram, yoga, and more.

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