Luciferian Humanism: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil

Vassilis Tsiartas, one of the most legendary soccer players of his time received a ten month suspended jail sentence plus a suspended fine for posting “transphobic” social media messages citing the Bible’s creation account. (1).

God created Adam and Eve,” wrote retired Greek football legend Vassilis Tsiartas in the second of two Facebook posts opposing a law that would have lowered the age to legally change one’s gender to 15 and removed other legal barriers. 

The Transgender Support Association, which brought the lawsuit, called punishing his biblical views “particularly important for the transgender community.” Tsiartas plans to appeal the decision.  

Defenders of the Western and American founding Christian worldview, which begins with “In the beginning God created…” are under relentless assault by adherents of the religion of evolutionary humanism: 

Any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values can’t be overthrown until those roots are cut … Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity … in the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.” (Marxist Antonio Gramsci in his prison notebooks)

From the Masonic Illuminati to new pagan Marxism, Socialism, Secular Humanism, Progressivism, Cosmic or Pantheist Humanism, Green Religion, and Luciferian Global Transhumanism, all are variations of the religion of Modernism, or evolutionary humanism. 

The roots of Western Modernity (death of our Lord Jesus in the hearts of mankind) stretch back into the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Modernity was the advent of evolutionary humanism with its determination to destroy the hated Old Order—Christian grounded Western and American civilization—and build a godless Global World Order.  The destruction and spilling of rivers of blood through the French Terror, Bolshevik Revolution, Marxist Communism, Hitler’s Third Reich, WWI, WWII, subsequent wars, and America’s holocaust of abortion (eugenics in disguise), and now the worldwide harming and killing of thousands upon thousands via mRNA injections, can be seen as a furtherance of the godless Global movement and its depopulation agenda. This agenda marches forward today under the banner of the WEF, Transhumanism, high tech billionaires, and Green Religion.

Evolutionary humanism has triumphed over W. Europe…the former Christendom. The unrelenting, withering assault against America’s founding Christian worldview and its defenders under the political banners of ‘Woke,’ Democrat, Progressive, Left, Transgender, Satanism, and Liberal is the work of the religion of evolutionary humanism and its intention to destroy our land and its defenders.

What Evil Spirit and Ideology Animate Evolutionary Humanism? (2)

Global insider, Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, who has worked at the highest levels of Wall Street, the United Nations, at elite universities such as Yale and Oxford, and served on the executive board of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has a chilling answer. It’s Luciferianism:

“The E.U. is part, of course, of the globalist empire, the New World Order, and I think many of its origins are in fact quite evil,” Malloch explained. “And I think that we should talk about that.” (Top Insider Exposes ‘Luciferian’ Origin of Globalist Empire, WND Staff, 12/25/17)

Luciferianism informs and motivates many members of America’s ruling class, Democrats, and global elites:

“Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer,” “That tradition has been informed by Gnosticism, by Satanism, and it usually refers to Lucifer not as ‘the devil’ per se but as some kind of liberator, some kind of guardian, some kind of guiding spirit. In fact, as the true god as opposed to Jehovah.”

Malloch identified many people in the E.U. hierarchy and in the Democratic Party as aligned with this belief. He explained how Lucifer is seen as a symbol of independence and of true human progress:

“Turning away from God and turning to Lucifer in order to enlighten yourself,” “They’re turning to this form of anti-Christ, to Lucifer, and that’s the foundation for their ‘enlightenment’ and for their institutions,” said Malloch. “I would argue even for the definition of this whole New World Order.” Malloch

Luciferians seek to conform their minds to the mind of Lucifer, the fallen demon who hates the Lords image-bearers. It is not surprising then that Luciferianism is virulently anti-human. Moreover, it is an upside-down ideology premised on an inverse evolutionary exegesis. Rather than “In the beginning God created…” (Gen. 1-11) and then a Fall, Satan’s inverse exegesis begins at the bottom, in the Abyss (Rev. 9:2; Rev. 9:11, Rev. 17:8; Luke 8:31; Rev. 20:3).  So what is man? A soulless ape of evolution. With Nietzsche’s evolutionary account which he received from his spirit guide Zarathustra, man came from worms.

Furthermore, because Satan, the father of lies, never fell he is still Lucifer, the savior and enlightener of Luciferians. Lucifer is also the Void from which matter is emitted and worked on by evolution (Satan’s serpent power). As well, Lucifer is the Divine Androgyne symbolized by the horned goat-headed, androgynous (transgender) Baphomet, and this is why atheist LGBTQ+ and transgenders support sodomy and all manner of perversions plus the transition of our children to transgender since they are remaking people in the perverse image of their Evil Master.

Within Satan’s inverse exegesis, God the Father is the true source of suffering and evil; the world He created is a place of suffering and evil; and His image bearers who call Him Father, such as Vassilis Tsiartas, are sons of the evil one. Christian civilization, meaning Western Europe and Protestant America are evil as are the individual souls created by the evil God.

Before the New World Order can come into existence, Luciferian humanists must purify the world of all sources of evil. In Marxist controlled Russia for instance, the purification of evil led to the murder of millions of men, women, and children. Half of them were Christians. There was as well, a brutal attempt at killing the living souls of Christians in Pitesti Prison

Purification of evil, according to Satan, is why the West and much of the world is undergoing a Great Reset – the destructive portion of the Plan being facilitated by Western Global Transhumanists, their managerial Western Ruling Classes and their followers.

Out of the ashes of the West and the world’s civilizations will arise the promised New World Order, but its real architects are Apollyon, the destroyer angel of the bottomless pit, and Ba’al/Beelzebul, the prince of demons. These two high-ranking evil angels, together with their legions of evil spirits, possess and direct their human tools—Globalists, their Ruling Class managers, certain Democrats, and myriad followers. 

For American and Global Luciferians, the destruction of the United States and all who call Lord Jesus savior will be the supreme act of worship to Lucifer – that will condemn what’s left of their souls to outer darkness for all eternity.

Despite all of this bad news we must not give in to despair but instead repent of our sins, ask the Lord to redeem our souls, and then lift our voices up in earnest prayer to the Lord our God. Pray to Him that it be His will to smash Satan, his legions, and the Luciferian Beast he has raised up to devour the world and its people. Ask the Lord to take from the Luciferian Beast its power, for all power is the Lord our Gods power. Then in faith continue to fight for America’s deliverance from the Beast and Satan’s corrupt American ruling class and Democrats animated by evil ideas, remembering always that while our bodies can be killed, our living souls cannot, and one day we will be with our Lord in Paradise restored for eternity.

updated 2024@Linda Kimball

  1. Prophecy Watch via Ben Washington, The Washington Post, 2022
  2. The Serpent’s Gnostic Elite Oligarchy and Global Powers, Linda Kimball

1 thought on “Luciferian Humanism: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil”

  1. So they’ve come to think that hedonism is good and chastity is not, according to their lord and master Satan, whether they acknowledge that scourge of mankind or not.
    Talk about putrid and rancid souls that merit eternal punishment. Like the once man said, “There but for the grace of God go I”.

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