How To Replace Deep State Google Search With Gab AI Search

Andrew Torba, GAB CEO

Our mission building Gab AI as an uncensored and unbiased AI platform is more important than ever.

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT that recently announced a partnership with Apple to bring ChatGPT to all iOS devices, just appointed the former head of the NSA to their Board. The last thing we need is this deep state swamp creature company leading the charge on the woke AI used by everyone on the planet.

We need true alternatives grounded in American values like free speech and Gab AI is the answer. We are still so early in the AI industry and one of the big problems is most people don’t know how to use this new technology yet. One of the best ways to use it is to replace all of your basic Google searches with Gab AI searches. 

Google search, once the undisputed king of online search engines, is increasingly becoming a relic of the past. It no longer provides users with the concise, relevant information they need. Instead, it inundates them with endless pages of blue links and ads, forcing them to sift through irrelevant content in search of answers.

The rise of LLMs like Gab AI offers a stark contrast to this frustrating experience. These cutting-edge tools are designed to provide users with direct, comprehensive answers to their questions, eliminating the need to wade through countless search results and click on multiple links.

Gab AI, in particular, is leading the charge in this new era of online search. We envisioned a platform that would prioritize free speech principles and provide an alternative to the often-censored and biased mainstream search engines and AI tools.

Unlike Google, Gab AI is committed to delivering unfiltered information without the influence of corporate interests or political agendas. This refreshing approach to search has garnered a growing following of users who appreciate the platform’s dedication to free expression and its ability to deliver the answers they need quickly and efficiently.

Here are ten examples of everyday search queries that can be redirected to Gab AI instead of Google:

“Give me a recipe for key lime pie.”

“How do I cook a perfect steak?”

“What are the symptoms of the flu?”

“What is the capital of Germany?”

“How many ounces are in a cup?”

“What is the tallest mountain in the world?”

“What are the best exercises for building muscle?”

“How do I fix a leaky faucet?”

“What is the difference between a macaron and a macaroon?”

“What is the current population of the United States?”

By using Gab AI for these types of queries, users can save time and frustration by receiving the answers they need instantly, without having to sift through irrelevant search results.

The rise of LLMs like Gab AI represents a significant shift in the way we search for and consume information online. By providing users with direct, comprehensive answers to their questions and eliminating the need to sift through endless pages of search results, these powerful tools are revolutionizing the search experience and paving the way for a more open, transparent, and user-centric internet.

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